Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Either that or I may be over thinking it and the sword may be a clock hand.

I feel like the first line is flying over our heads.

I think that the riddle may have to do with something about revival but not 100% sure ;-;

I disagree with most of what yous stated
first off Fire the furnace means to ignite. This is a metaphor for the beginning of the battle which we much prepare ourselves for even if we have we to inherit its will meaning purpose or intent will is darkened so its possibly nefarious which means we may have to do some things we dont want to
The sword of time is a reference to the hands on a clock which means our time runs short once the fire is lit like a stick of dynamite. None can stop the hands of time that is mortal mind you except for Chronos.
With the part about the wind I believe it is reference to Aeolus the Wind King not a god but an immortal. He is the master of the winds and a possible game boss and if evil will reap what he has sown.
Also i believe that we are the Golden Ichor and the statement is made directly to us telling us to do our best to save our world.

I wonder how this riddle have something to do with AO or WOM

So. It’s actually 4 riddles that answer 4 different things?

  1. Gods-HalfGods survived. [Since I’m assuming we in AO will still be normal humans/magicians, so we can’t assume ourselves to be halfgods or something, remember that this post is related to a suggestion post about Lore, basically confirmed or something .]
  1. (Probably Gameplay Related([Hero Storyline?, oh yeah, only way this makes sense is us in AO being related to Gods somehow, since it’s kinda implicit that not all children of gods have been killed in Cursebeard war and we are also in another sea with the Ruins of Mt. Olympus in it.]
  2. ( Probably related to Kronos weapon A Herpe, of which he used to castrate Ouranus. Can also be related to Kronos himself, instead of just the weapon[Kronos was scattered, just like Voldermort])
  3. ( Simply actions have consequences. Might be related to a boss/future character too, since it isn’t just simple as “You reap what you sow”[Needs more lore info]
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AO/WoM is based on Greek Mythology, but as in Tech’s words, it’s a twist on greek mythology, with all of it’s elements being kept but instead of Prometheus giving Fire to humans, he gave us Magic.

Ik that but, what does the riddle relates to in AO/WOM?

I’d say it’s 4 riddles, related to the story of the game, seen as this is from Techlevel’s and not Vetex’s. Probably says how the story of the game will go, and what the Main Character will be like.

Imma still go with the sword of time being the hands on a clock that relating to Kronos

or this whole thing is a prophecy and some unknown force is gonna come over and big battle

We know that brother the question is what lies in between

prophecies are often completely twisted in the end, only then is when they make sense…


Feckin Pythia always spoke rot

wait what i wasn’t even referencing-

Thats what they called the Oracle btw

curse me and my lack of knowledge

Yeah chances were if you didn’t understand i it was some real bad news

heh big rip

oh well

Golden Ichor is talking about how alchemy eats up our money which is why the thing wants us to make our money last.

The firing the furnace thing is about having the will to grind money to upgrade things such as sunken armor which costs like 3.7k

The sword of time is that occasion when lightning strikes you when you are fighting an enemy guild member or leader.

The sowing the wind thing is when a wind user yeets you into a nearby tornado.