Arcane Odyssey Riddle

How? Why would it refer to a curse user

because curse users are thought to be immortal

you dont need to write an essay @ThatOneGuy

lol most of it is just me rewriting stuff over and over again because I find it hard to articulate my thoughts well


FINALLY! SOMEONE WITH SENSE!! Nice job ive stated this before We are likely a descendant or a group of God remains that came together and made us. and then the sword is just so obviously the hands on the clock

can we stop saying obviously cause all of these are probably going to be wrong and we all will look stupid


Lol thats just you

I still think itā€™s time travel, just a personal theory without much to back it up. All the stanzas use time in some way. In the first one it details how long ago the past was, it also says to ā€œmake it lastā€. ā€œFire the furnace that burns stillā€. This could really mean two things, to ignite a furnace that hasnā€™t been used or that this furnace still burns. The next line in this stanza, to me, implies we will have to take up the mantle of god hood, to step up and inherit the position. I could be looking into it too deep. The third one literally mentions the sword of time. ā€œBrace yourself for itā€™s fallā€. This is a strike, as someone else said earlier. Perhaps an enemy goes back in time to do something to change history and we must follow them. The last stanza is the most stretch imo. It takes time to reap what you sow.

Also it should be noted that an odyssey is defined as ā€œa long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience.ā€ Traveling through time would, based on perspective, be a long journey. Looking away from the actual definition and turning to the poem about Odysseus I will confess, I never read it. I am merely looking at summaries I found on websites. With my discoveries, seeing how this is our odyssey, we could be fighting Gods or various mythical creatures on a long journey to somewhere or maybe someone.

Overall idk but I do think time will play a role in the story, which is kinda cheating since time is fucking everywhere, but I doubt Iā€™m wrong. Maybe about everything else but not this and I strongly believe time travel is at play. Iā€™ll only have to wait to be told Iā€™m wrong.


k so maybe it was an essay

fuck that if i went back in time i would just grab all the curses

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Ok time travel How? ngl we have the specific location and time period in which it is taking place and if everyone gets time powers I would just delete you

Also the hands of a clock are also known as the Swords of time because they are undodgeable so we must brace ourselves for the inevitability

time magic or time curse

I was thinking due to the rising evil temporal rifts due to his strength start appearing

It could be a time spell and probably only be able to be used under certain conditions that would only happen during the story of the game. I wouldnā€™t call it ā€œtime magicā€ or a ā€œtime curseā€ like pjk but I would happily admit to it being a ā€œtime spellā€. I donā€™t think weā€™d be getting a time-based magic, aside from Art of Infinity. Just a wild theory.

I understand you better now. A possibility is that we are cursed in a litteral sense by time itself and are on a timer with our very lives and are granted access to points where time is weak due to immense magic and are able to open them

Not what I meant but not not what I meant. Just saying time travel will be involved. I am 13% sure.

very specific number

That would be interesting. Seems unlikely imo, but possible. I can see something like being from the future where something horrible happened to the war seas and we go back in time to stop it or smth. idk

rupin dies


he literally dies

his curse shot off somewhere random therefore being gatherable by whoever came across it

please check your facts before trying to prove someone wrong through assuming