Arcane Odyssey Riddle

whoa whoa we’d best be able to obtain poseidon’s trident and zeus’ lightning bolt

Nobody’s close .-.

Plot Twist: This doesn’t mean anything and is just here to bamboozle us.


Y’know what this is my current belief unless someone proves otherwise

golden ichor = the work of the past?
fire the furnace = feed yourself more power
even if u have to inherit its will = even if it means going your boundaries (possibly inheriting a curse?)
the sword of time = could be a hand on a clock and as time goes on humanity falls?
those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind = those who attempt fighting the final boss shall have havoc wrecked upon them

tbh idk this is wat i have from years of homework chinese riddles lol

the closest thing to inheriting a curse was Morock giving Promethean flame magic to angel

and that’s not even really canon because of that being in AR and not AA


i shall kill angel then

he gave the magic not the curse

u right
dammit i really need to re-read the whole story again

well its not in the doc or anything

its from ar so not really cannon

I wonder if tech watches from above, laughing at our stupidity, or if he just made this than dipped to do something else.

id assume both

or an artifact/relic/portal thing

time travel

gj on rhyming wind with wind

It is supposed to be a quote not a rhyme.

Gods could be fading, but magic isn’t (because WOM takes thousands of years after AA and AO).