Arcane Odyssey Riddle

So here. I’ve been writing a forum post that is around 10% complete on the riddle, and i’ll link it here after

lore, lore is why

if even, curses can kill you (don’t know if it’s canon or not)

Pk was hunting curses, remember? I don’t think you should get into the lore if you can’t use basic context clues.

So the text for the image says these are our first steps. So I’m guessing this along wont allow us to solve the entire riddle, but heres my best guess.

Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last,
I’m guessing this is Aurem, it’s gods blood, and it’s an etempt to make it last. It’s what made promethius so powerful. Since it’s running out, it could be what the war seas are fighting over. Notice in the Trello a mysterious shard.
This means Aurem is in the war seas.

Fire the furnace, that burns still, even if you have to inherit it’s will,
I think this is refering to how they burned the Aurem to make themselves more powerful. It could also be refering to the lost magic the promethean flame. It could be about promethiuses legacy carrying on.

It could also be about how Promethus "
The sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall.
I think this is going in one of two directions. It could be about promethius secretly protecting himself, or storing away his energy in preperation for his death. Or it could be simply about everyone being able to die. Even the gods.

Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whrilwind
Credits to MatsMan helped find the meaning behind these words. "Those who start trouble will incur consequences. " I think this could be refering to a secret side effect of Aurem, or just the effect that power has on people. It could have something to do with the blast of wind that hit the war pheonixes ship, but I couldn’t max anything up with that.

Other Ideas
Aurem is red, it could be like a hardened blood of the gods? This could coriate more meaning between MatsMans find on Ichor.
It could be that it’s genuinely just the blood of the gods.

I definately do believe this is about Aurem until someone finds a lot of evidence to prove otherwize, just because of how important it was to promethiuses power, and just how the poem plays out.

I’m gonna keep conspiricizing, and scheming about to try and find the answer. I pinky swear.

we don’t need the nit and grit of every detail on how to find a curse the thing could be anywhere in the world could be some island thousands of miles away from civilizations, or in some random cave.

all we need to know that they can be rather difficult to come across but most of them aren’t hidden extremely well, and pk probably likely just ran into them looking at every island they found and all that

u know it, vera’s on the task

to destory them not keep them

Where does it say he wants to destroy every. single. curse? He just doesn’t want the curses to fall into the wrong hands so destroying them is a method he uses. There’s no reason not to keep any at all.

i used the curses to destroy the curses.

no, in the end, he gets every curse and destroys most of them and gives some/lets some keep theirs, like Trigno, John Thorne, etc.

Exactly. Did I say he didn’t? He’s talking about on the journey to destroy each curse, why wouldn’t he keep a few while traveling. When he’s done, he doesn’t need those curses anymore.

yep, got it right

that kid needs to read the lore, silent allies with the PK get to keep their curses

What if the golden ichor from long past means the dead gods or promethius and someone is trying to bring one of them back. If you remember tech i think mentioned that gods dont stay dead, and if you bring their pieces together they can revive.

Maybe the time we have left (sword of time pierces all) before we all die is refering the time before one of the gods(most likely promethius) revives themselves and wreaks havoc on humanity for getting them killed (powering up promethius or promethius getting murdered by curse beard)

Promethius was a god of fire in greek mythology, hence the fire the still burning furnace, promethius has been gone but he truely hasnt died, he is “still burning”.

I do think “those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind” refers to the war of the war seas. Its possible that will be the site of promethius’s ressurection, he is the whirlwind. while the sowing is the endless war and destruction of the area

aaa the spelling is triggering me a bit “prometheus” is how it spelled ;-;

but otherwise a plan to have the gods comeback to life such as prometheus would be interesting

"Golden ichor of the past, do your best to make it last,"
Based on my theory that Aurem is/made from the blood of an ancient civilization that was indirect descendants of gods that died before The Golden Age of Magic, hence why Aurem was found in temples and dungeons.

Golden ichor will probably be a golden version of Aurem as it would be/made from pure blood from the gods that died from the fall of mount Olympus.

To make this Golden Aurem “last”, the player will probably use it for themselves to accomplish something in their storyline.

"Fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will,"
The furnace is probably a metaphor for the act of burning aurem to gain magic power and transport it to Mount Olympus so that, originally, Prometheus could use it, and this furnace “burning still” means that other people/kingdoms are also burning Aurem or the Golden Aurem I mentioned.

So the player will have to burn Golden Aurem, even though it’ll bring it to somebody at the ruins of Mount Olympus.

"The sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall,"
The sword of time is obviously death, so the player or someone important(maybe Morden) will probably have to get ready to die at some point in the storyline.

OR, this may be a bit far fetched, someone will/is working on preventing death itself from happening ever again, therefore making the sword of time fall.

"Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind,"
Either the players that choose the bad rep storyline will probably get a bad ending, the main antagonist/antagonists to both storylines will face dire consequences, or all of these will happen.


I agree with most of this

yeah same here

If that’s the reference here, then I think it would be reasonable to mark the player out unless our character is pulling the mega god strats by trying to recreate what created the peacekeeper with dead revival.

A supercharged magic zombie with free will and effective immortality.

In Greek mythology I believe all gods have their own tools and weapons so idk what you trying to say here