Arcane Odyssey Riddle


that doesn’t mean you’re not wrong either

u could still be wrong dumbass, in fact if what u say is right I will pay u 20 dollars, I hate ppl like u no one cares that ur an “honors logic” or “history addict” also this is greek, not roman mythology so stfu bitch

Pagan is greek dumbass.
And if im so wrong, then prove it.

Also you avoided my question. What makes you qualified to tell me im wrong?

bruh just cuz you got them honors and stuff doesn’t mean you’re always right and people aren’t ‘qualified’ to call you wrong…

there’s always a chance that you’re wrong about a guess or estimation blah blah. that’s just the way it is. if you’re right? whoo hoo, good job.

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dont u just hate people bruh, especially these kinds

I mean, I do agree Ace_Salore could aswell be wrong but you’re extremely rude and honestly you give me too much active guild hub member vibes.

no no i mean the choice based branches or something like that like if I did that, then it would be like something else also im really bad at explaning ok bye

Pagan as the religion? If so then it’s probably only Greek and places that are close to it, probably won’t be Romans tho

It wouldn’t make sense considering the fact that we are the “player” thus it doesn’t really make sense why our lifespan would be shortened considering the fact that we are “not alive”.

READ THIS : Since everyone is pretty much getting mad at me for what I am assuming, can you cut me some slack since I’m just assuming at this point, I’m not even sure since my brain cells are practically dead now with the riddle (exaggerating by the way). Just wanted to tell you guys since you guys are practically attacking me (in my perspective) so cut me some slack alright?

so uh by what I remember, the riddle could mean-
1.Time travel
2.A new power awakening in us
3.Legendary weapons coming back
4.Something to do with the gods
6.Low chance of magic fading away???
7.The curses return???
8.Us being in the E N D G A M E
9.Lore teasers
10.Something related to very ancient stuff

pls correct me if I’m wrong also i would love to add stuff to it but almost no space for it left sadly ;-; this is 6th last msg for this

Ragnarok is norse, we’re doing greek

This person said what I was about to say. Rip. Agreeing to this dude.

You are right though. Intelliegence can improve your guesses but it never means that you will always be right. :slight_smile:

As I haven’t read the entire arcane lore, thanks for bring it up, however we never know if the exiled could be start to get involved with the story line, so I’m just guessing, it’s an educated guess, so thanks for bringing it up, however, I don’t disagree but I’ll say it probably is true.

oh sorry i messed those again ;-;

Yeah, would be interstate if Vetex implemented Vikings in Arcane tho

it would be cool but would never happen due to them NEVER being mentioned or existing in the Arcane universe

what about the giants