Arcane Odyssey Riddle

No I’ve seen your pfp also for too long up here we need someone else

yeah yeah

Listing all ideas tech which have been suggested about Line 1-(If I missed something please tell me)

  1. Aurem
  2. God blood
  3. Magic Genes(Makes the most sense but ok)
  4. Primitive Magic (Also a good guess)
  5. We are the ichor (???)

Since tech said no one guessed them it must not be one of these

ichor means golden blood/ god’s blood…

he obviously did not mean literally

Someone suggested it so I just put it there

so im just gonna try lol, i might be wrong about a lot or perhabs everything but this was just for fun. i dont have any big hopes for solving this riddle.

i feel like the line: golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last, maybe is about aurem, because ichor is the blood of the gods, but aurem i feel like is the legacy of the gods/titans, and the line make it last is maybe that we have to use it carefully (i dont know or think so but thats the best i could do with that line).

and the line: fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will. is about burning the aurem, because the “will” of aurem is giving someone power (of course that was just because promotheus gave somone more power).

the sword of time pierces all this just reminds me of the scythle of Chronus, who was the titan of time. so maybe they go the percy jackson route and revives chronus idk lol.

and for the final line: those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind i honestly dont know, this could be a powerfull wind user, the four wind gods (5 if you count the father of them) but again, i honesly dont know.

so yeah, thats my trying to decipher the riddle. i went a lot into the greek myth and the aurem because why the hell not? again, this was just for fun dont murder me

Is this an echo chamber because tech said no one had guessed it yet, and aurem had already been suggested many times in the past

sorry but i didnt read that many replies myself, but this was just what was going in my head when i read the riddle. i did not mean to echo someone else’s suggestion sorry

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No I didn’t mean that you can’t say the same suggestion as someone else. I meant that tech said that no one had guessed it few days back and people had guessed aurem long before that.

oh ok, but i didnt see that sorry

For the first line, Aurem has already been suggested. Tech said that no one has gotten the first line, meaning, unless Tech missed something, it’s not Aurem.

Well, it has to be about immortality; ichor is the blood of immortal beings.

Could it be preserving the history or legacy of something? Or has that been cancelled out.

probably, long past suggests something

it could be referencing more far back to where the world wasn’t completely just islands and a legacy of sorts?

sword of time could be referencing a new kind of era or the ending of the islands

the other two i need a bit more thought

So putting it into a more literal sense. Preserving the legacy of a god?

could be another where it’s a generation bloodline of people from the world of when mt olympus and the world was together that survived through everything and maybe nearing its end in the war seas with you as it’s last descendant

as gods doesn’t seem to be the case and having a strong unique blood line would make it golden in the sense of it being rare and pristine or smth seen from royalty or so

So I decided to put my lore hobby to the test first I decided to look back at the full arcane lore and found the choice of wording very interesting to quote it :The end of the arcane universe will be added with arcane odyssey (correct me if I got the quote wrong) this could mean the ending of the franchise or a doomsday scenario. :Those who’s sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind is a line from the scriptures meaning your choices get judged. Golden ichor of long past many think this means we the player have god blood but now we now of a rather mysterious character Morden I assume it might be him. Yeah imma finish this here this was kinda rushed cause I forgot about this post so facts may be inaccurate.

Kekw Echo chamber confirmed :nod:.