Arcane Odyssey Riddle


well anybody have any ideas on it?

IMO It’s something about gods

hephaestus also forged zeus’ lightning bolt

Since the 1st passage was somewhat confirmed to talk of Aurem and how they’re limited, I would say that the 2nd passage tells us to inherit the will of the furnace, which is creating powerful weapons, and eventually being able to create overpowered magic weapons with the limited Aurem we have (perhaps Arcanium-Alloy is just a substitude).
Another theory for the “Golden ichor”, that other people suspected, was the blood of god, or perhaps specifically the blood of Hephaistos, which, in my opinion, might be required in order to create those magic or ancient weapons. That would connect inheriting the will of the furnace, therefore inheriting the blood of Hephaistos in order to forge those weapons. (If you’ve seen the anime “Danmachi” and think of Welf and how the magic weapons are being created in that universe, you will understand what i’m getting at)

Connecting to that thesis, the third passage would warn us of the laws of physics, as we know them in the game, to fail when confronted with those weapons and the 4th connects to that by warning us once again of the power that those weapons hold, that is creating storms by merely swinging those weapons.

Blatant lie.

The first 2 was already given a big no by tech, the third one makes no sense whatsoever, and Vetex said Arcane magic can break laws of physics, and again the weapons thing makes no sense, there is absolutely nothing to support it

But inheriting the will of the forge. Wouldn’t that literally mean either inheriting something from the god of forge Hephaistos or inheriting the will to forge weapons?

I will try make a list of cancelled out ideas based on what tech said.

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Cancelled out things for the 1st line

  1. Torren
  2. Primitive magics
  3. Aurem (based on what tech has said)
  4. Helping a dying god
  5. Magic fading away
  6. You are a descendant of a god
  7. Golden age of magic
  8. Literal god blood
  9. Ingesting ichor
  10. We will need to help the gods

More will be added.

So what if the 1st passage actually refers to Acranium-alloy? It’s a material that was used often in the past and probably arose from minerals mixing with the ichor of dying gods. (correct me if that was already debunked)

i honestly think we might have to stray from the god thing and look at what’s presented and what we know so far of the arcane world and events that took place.

and i highly doubt weapons or anything like that have to do with the riddle but we’ll see


this is what i made of it so far and still stand by it

i’m having a hard time figuring it out a bit but it says it’s still burning meaning it’s still on going but you need to fire it even more and you may to take the path involved in it to do so.

whatever it may be likely smth we’ll see in the war seas when our character discovers and decides to do smth about it that may have been going on for a long time and is assisting on it idk.

likely metaphorical and not physical and probably just an end of a era of sorts or so

same here i can’t really get much out of it tbh and likely smth that people have done would now be facing the effects of their actions on the future to come might be curse users no idea

what i got so far my brain is fuzzy atm so might not be making sense

the last sentence about the wind means the butterfly effect essentially
like your actions have consequences
or karma essentially

“Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.”

The last sentence about the wind means the butterfly effect essentially
like your actions have consequences
or karma essentially

You just said 3 completely unrelated things as if they were the same thing.
The butterfly effect states that small changes get amplified with time and can result in big changes later. For example, if Vasili Arkhipov’s parents didn’t meet, we’d be in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust.
“Your actions have consequences” is a phrase that means everything you do will result in something else happening. It is a warning to think before you act because, whether you intend to or not, your actions will have consequences. It is very self-explanatory.
Karma is the idea that good actions will be rewarded by good fortune in your next life.

shit you’re right

well I googled the phrase just now and it basically says:

" Every decision has consequences; a person’s actions will come back to them; if one starts trouble or takes actions in spite of the discontent they cause, one will incur negative consequences."

sorry about the confusion

Golden blood of long past do your best to make it last

Hmmmmm i wonder

Hephaetos has already been involved in multiple theory before Tech’s reply so it must be false

If that’s so, since those two phrases likely include forging or a fire curse, the “Golden Ichor”, according to the Cancelled theses, must be something materialistic, except Aurem. My Idea was Arcanium or some other sort of ore, which leads to the weapons theory, but it could be something spiritual as well, except magic.