Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Don’t worry. You didn’t miss much. Its mostly just people repeating the same 2 ideas and other people assuming everything in this riddle is literal.

ok well i doubt the riddle is literal.

if it was someone would have figured it out by now.

tech rejected danny’s thing about having to protect a person???

im starting to think my eggnog theory might be the only logical explanation.

or honey theory

I think there was 1 god alive

it may mean that everyone has to die
even the gods

oh well I did

yeah he did, he said none of it made sense

I apologize if it’s hard to read this, I’m not the best at writing, Please tell me if there is a way for me to improve this making it easier to read.
I’m guessing a boss in AO will be Hades with this in mind I have made the following translation of this poem.
The Blood of Gods and some Arcanium Alloy will allow you to create an Ichor-Metal allowing you to kill Hades (Golden Ichor of long past, do your best to make it last).
The only way to make the Ichor-Metal would be with the help of Hephaestus, God of the Forge. Hephaestus will likely send you on an errand. (Fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will).
Perhaps some sort of Cataclysm will happen before you are able to defeat Hades weakening The Fibers of the Universe and yourself for the fight with Hades (The sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for it’s fall).
Finally, Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind perhaps after you defeat Hades the Bands of Tartarus will be loosed, forcing you to defeat those who were held captive in it (forcing you to fight titans and other greek monstrosities during the endgame)
For those who are wondering where I got some of my hypothesis it’s from the AA lore. "After defeating Durza, The Peacekeeper goes to the continent of Magius and finds out that Durza was a puppet for Hades, and so The Peacekeeper goes to punish the god Hades.
Edit: as I go back and more thouroughly read the comments here perhaps we will make an alloy from Ichor and Aurem.

Not all of the Gods are dead, Hades caused Durza’s rise of power.

neat idea but pk kills hades after learning how to destroy curses or smth so dunno how hades would work too much.

unless he’s trying to release some weird stuff in the war seas

The AO game takes place 1 month after Durza’s defeat, Hades is not dead yet pk is probably still in Magius.
But I also discovered that during the War Seas the largest threats of the planet are being fought, many of these will likely become bosses, so it’s possible that the part I was talking about “Perhaps some sort of cataclysm” is from one of these which could possibly change my entire hypothesis

i’m aware but i don’t think gods have much to do with this as well all guessed ichor blood relating to the gods and tech shot that down saying we haven’t cracked the first line

Another idea is that it’s a consumable but one that isn’t a potion. I’m going through right now to make a stronger and more thorough hypothesis on the riddle, so my ideas aren’t completely fleshed out yet.

is means that its coming up in 1 year

As a sneak peak to what I’m looking at, in the lore page it says that your going to save the world from it’s most dangerous and ancient threat, my Ideas on this are Chaos and the Titans.

i thought typhon or so from gaia or whatever cause they have to be around cause the earth is with life

It’s almost 100% likely it’s a titan, because all of the gods came from a Chronos thus making titans more ancient then them, besides many of the gods are dead or hidden.

agreed since the gods don’t seem to have to do anything with this