Arcane Odyssey Riddle

The closest any of the gods are to this is Hades since he is the guardian of Tartarus.
And on the second riddle, these are my thoughts. Torren ascends to 3(which was the mysterious character Saturn). Chaos and Creation are fighting. 11 is standing still could mean that Freedrock is unimportant. 7 is coming home is simply Torren will returning to wherever they came from.
Edits 1-3 are english fixes. Edit 4 was me fixing my opinion.

My new opinion on the first line is that Hades has died, thus releasing all the contents of Tartarus, creating the real threat.

Once again I will apologize for my very large “Essay”
My new Hypothesis is this:
Golden Ichor of long past, do your best to make it last= The gods have died (including hades) nothing is keeping those in Tartarus from escaping. Do your best to make our planet last.
fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit it’s will= This was the most difficult but I settled on these: The Titans are Rebelling, Magic is fading and our job is to stop the Rebellion or to “Stoke the fires of Magic” even if you have to work with evil to do so.
The sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall= Something is falling apart, either it’s Tartarus, or the Fabrics of reality. You have to brace the world for this. (both lead to massive amounts of Chaos.)
Finally, Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind= you have done something wrong, either because Morden has tricked you or you had to do something for evil that caused something bad, which lead to you having to face great and powerful evils.
My thoughts on what these things mean are that you are going to do something wrong in the beginning and then you will meet Peacekeeper and he will send you on a journey to save the world. I believe that the 11 unknowns will be a very large part in the story, and you will become one of them. In the AA world it’s said that the 11 unknowns do not interact with each other very often and you are going to be forced to change this to save the world.

Tech confirmed it won’t be Hades, also out AO character will be stronger than PK.

I know Hades will not be the main boss, but I do think that he will be a boss

Alright we aren’t going to be peacekeeper in AO

So basically the whole theory is wrong

after hades died all the gods were dead

Well it also says that he had to find hades, and AO takes place 1 month after Durza’s defeat so It’s possible that Hades hasn’t been killed yet in the timeline. Eventually is the key word.


They? Who helps, maybe the AO player? Theos, Arthur, and many other important characters die in the fight against Durza.

Theos and Arthur are both dead by the time the peacekeeper fights Hades.

As I said, They die in the fight against Durza.

Right, didn’t read that through all the way.

…Read the lore. Durza, Theos, Arthur, and the events of AA is on the other side of the world.

The AO Player and Morden are so far apart from AA they don’t know that each other exists.

Bruh stupid dude AO takes place in War Seas not in Seven Seas they were so far they didn’t even know they existed. So obviously some new characters help us in AO such as morden and a few unnamed characters.

i think they’re trying to make a comparison that we’ll be involved taking down hades like many other people involved in the fight against durza.

but i doubt that hades is going to be involved in the event we face in ao and the pk likely will just pop in, get the info on destroying curses and then kill hades.

No Jar they’re trying to imply the peacekeeper helps AO player because all important characters are dead but he clearly has a case of not reading the lore properly before making comments issue.

Kandy I have a long fuse, but if you keep outright insulting me for having an idea I will explode and I will insult you in as many ways as possible. Also “not reading the lore properly” is literally impossible and everyone has their own interpretations on what things mean, you have no right to insult me, my ideas, or anyone else. I simply thought of something that would be interesting and is actually possible. The distance between the War Seas and the Seven Seas is not too large to be possible, and It would take awhile to find out where Hades resides, so I’m saying that pk could be part of the story, though I kind of doubt he will be major.

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Sorry didn’t mean to imply in a serious way :bowing_man:

Bruh I’m not denying peacekeeper will be in AO.Especially if you notice pk has acquire most curses and the kingdoms have curse vaults so he’ll come to war seas 100% and he meets the player in AO. Whether he is a major part or not we don’t know but I know for sure .

The new characters in War Seas