Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Magic has already been guessed and tech said all the guesses about the first line before his reply are incorrect

fuck them

then u will never know the secrets

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that IS pretty interestingā€¦ if i remember right the blood of gods is the actual source for magic,
so theoretically, the blood of gods could have been given directly instead of a blessing

however, itā€™s a bit contradictive considering that when prometheus gave humans magic, he was disguised as a monk that had ā€œdiscoveredā€ magic

i donā€™t think a monk would be handing over boiling golden ichor just like that without suspicions arising

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you havenā€™t remembered right. There is no mention of blood in the lore document. There is a mention of Aurem, saying that it increases the power of Prometheus when burned, which he trades to humans for magic. That is the closest thing we have to an obtainable source of magic.

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Wasnā€™t that only because of Aurem having high value, and not actually having any magical power itself?

Yeah, but Prometheus is dead now. Itā€™s why Primitive Magic doesnā€™t work anymore.

no . . . ? People just found a much more efficient alternative to cast magic.

No Aurem already had a high value back then and then prometheus told this is actually more valuable now because if you burn it Iā€™ll give you magic

It wasnā€™t an alternative;

Augmented Magic relies upon the summoning of magic circles, and Primitive Magic comes forth from the soul. Primitive Magic was levels above Augmented Magic, and those who possessed it were on par with the gods; it granted them abilities to read minds, create clones of themselves, and teleport.

It could decrease your lifespan though.

o whack, whereā€™d you get that info?

through hours of combing through the old trello, you want the link to it?

yis pls ^-^

read up
main link to the old trello - Trello
link to the info I was talking about - Trello

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I thought that Primitive magic was used after sacrifices to Prometheus though? How would you try and use it now? You canā€™t really sacrifice to Prometheus anymore, right? Might be wrong though, just send me a link.


It was an alternative to primitive magic casting. Just a weaker alternative that lengthens instead of decreases lifespan.

iā€™m pretty sure it was stated somewhere,
problem being i canā€™t remember it so i just left it open

It isnā€™t neither on the old nor on the lore doc

No, they were two entirely different forms of magic. They had totally different forms of casting.