Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Ok, I think of it as magic is magic

well, think of it this way. Primitive Magic never had a defined form.

Defined forms of magic is what I refer to as a specific state of matter as a magic. :fire_magic:, :crystal_magic_var2: , :ice_magic_var1:: these would all be defined forms of magic as matter.

Primitive Magic doesn’t have that. It’s just described as magic.

alright thank you. i realized i was wrong when i went and reread the lore. they had changed somethings.

pretty sure tech said it somewhere not in these but again, faulty memory



has anything been solved already?

nope, have a go at it!

alr, i’d like to have a go at it, but first i will have dinner with my family while thinking about the solutions i have come up a little more

So, its a random evening yr 1854, suddenly people see something that looks like a shooting star. But in fact it’s actually Theos, the war Pheonix. Now you may be wondering ‘but Theos died and blablabla’ and YES HE DID. But the PeaceKeeper has learned to revive people with pure magic… JK

And now for real, my analysis on the riddles.
First I’d like to go through things that i find very interesting, intruiging or importand story-wise. I might or might not use this information listed below but whatever I choose, I dont think these points should be forgotten. We also shouldn’t forget that we can look in both the past and the future of the arcane universe.

  1. The most gods at Mount Olympus got annihilated by Arthur. (besides Hades)

  2. Durza was just a puppet, it was Hades who was pulling the strings. And Hades did all that to test the limits of pure dark magic.

  3. Somewhere between AA and WOM a new and special bloodline gets established. The New Greek, these are said to be descendants from the gods, which is quite weird because 1. says that the most gods got annihilated :thinking:

  4. In the year 1854 John Thorne, the Conqueror exists and we might be able to meet him and see how his homeland ‘magius’ will fall. This kinda makes me wish we were atleast able to see John Thorne when WOM was still in development.

  5. Most likely will we also come across vikings in the war seas since they arent native to the seven seas.

  6. I also found an to be added item in the trello, I didnt recall this item being here the last time i looked in that trello page. The item is an ancient language tome. When equipped, this item allows you to read ancient writings. And there will be alot of these ancient runes because many ruins date back to the time of the gods! And so does Mount Olympus, which is also in the War Seas. this tome kinda gives me legend of zelda: a link to the past vibes :flushed: heres the link to where you can find the book in the trello, you can find it at the graph weapons/tools: Trello

And now, on to my true analysis of the riddles.
The first one is golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last, note how this riddle ends with a comma, instead of a dot. This means that this riddle isnt even done yet
What many of you have figured already, is that golden ichor is the blood of gods. And what we also know is that there are people who claim to be descendants of gods. And if you still dont understand what im trying to say: those have the blood of gods. The blood of the gods that have died long in the past, now they have ‘respawned’ in some way so they can try their best again and make their lineage(I play too much rogue lineage tbh) or bloodline last as long as possible. And as we see in WOM, they do indeed last.

The next riddle is fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will, note how this riddle starts with a non-capitalized letter and ends with a comma aswel, this means that its connected with the previous riddle.
Fire the furnace, that sounds to me like passing on torches to increase the amount. Since this riddle is connected to the previous one, it could be talking about gods bloodline, that never really died. But they were weak and hidden. its your job to strengthen them. But at a cost you’d have to inherit ‘its will’. This riddle says as if its a downside. And the only ‘bad will’ i could think of, is that of Durza or Hades. Meaning, that you would have to become a pawn of Hades just like Durza was.

Now its time for the third riddle the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall. note how this riddle also begins with a non-capitalized letter, but this time it ends with a dot instead of a comma, this means that the riddles are only solved if they connect correctly.
At first i thought of something very diffrent for this riddle. I thought that the ancient language tome, which i mentioned before, was the sword of time. The tome that piercies through all the ancient text. And thus revealing the secrets about gods and the War Ages. And where we would also learn even more about the fall of Mount Olympus. But now that I noticed the comma’s, do I realize that I was wrong.
The third riddle is about repeating the same mistakes as someone. Someone that could’ve destroyed the world in the past. You will become, just like Durza a puppet who fell in Hades’ strings. and thus piercing through the hearts of all those friends you’ve made. This is the story of its fall. The fall of the war seas. The fall of John Thornes homeland, magius, and the fall of many other their homelands.

The final riddle, this one you might be able to guess after hearing this.Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind as you can see, it starts with a capital letter, and ends with a dot. This riddle is basicly a briefing of the of the previous 3.
to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind basicly means that every decision has consequences.
We, the player and morden made a choice, and we have faced the consequences…


Pretty good.

Except half of the things you said :

  1. exist in my theory doc or lorebook
  2. incorrect or guessed before
  3. a little off

try checking with tech if you got something right though

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may i see your theory doc/ lorebook? i am acually quite curious now.

also this is the first riddle, there’s no previous ones

I do keep it private in case there’s something that comes out correct, but I did promise macobre and tree that they’d get it one day, probably today or tomorrow

also would you like me to dissect your theory

try checking with tech if you got something right though

how do i appropriately approach tech tho?

And yes please.

Discord, or message him on the forums.

You’ve got it!

Actually it was because of Prometheus, so even earlier.

This is not true, for example both Poseidon and Apollo survived, joining the One Shot Pirates.

Yes but he’s already in the 6th Sea so no.

No, they’re from the Old Sea.

This is actually ancient news. It’s been there since release and probably before that.

It’s actually dying out, this is stated in the lore doc. Besides this theory is as old as this riddle.

[not actually encouraged]

Nice Cock!

And Poseidon

Now that I think about it can the Sword of Time have to do with Sond? Or na because he’s in the seven seas

Sond’s wooden sword
