Arcane Odyssey Riddle

whats the other riddle?

Even if we do get it, he won’t tell us, so It’s kinda pointless it my eyes

right here.

Here is the riddle in text form if anyone needs it:

Golden ichor of long past,
do your best to make it last,

fire the furnace that burns still,
even if you have to inherit its will,

the sword of time pierces all,
brace yourself for its fall.

Those who sow the wind,
shall reap the whirlwind.

i know 1 is chaos, 11 if freedock right? and is 7 supposed to be torren or somthin?

Time for a more refined guess of mine.

The first 3 2-verse structures seem to be one strophe, while the last 2 are like a conclusion of them.

I will refer to the style of magic casting that is from the soul of the user and very taxing as “simple magic”. This is how humans were first taught to use magic by Prometheus.

Here goes:

Prometheus taught humans magic by somehow connecting them with himself. Did he actually perform a blood transfusion or something else, doesn’t really matter.
When humans burn aurem, it goes to Prometheus and makes him stronger which in turn makes the human stronger.
That is the “golden ichor”, the magic gene that you still carry, it is what gives you the ability to cast magic.

So about the first 2 verses I got this:

  • You still have the essence of gods that lets you use magic
  • It is slowly slipping away, this was confirmed, and in some amount of years humans will lose the ability to cast magic

The furnace that burns still, huh?
Well you still have the Prometheus essence, it could be that you still have the ability to use simple magic.
Simple magic being so primordial in nature, is directly connected to Chaos, so using it will let it influence you greatly.

About the second 2 verses I got:

  • You may still be able to use simple magic
  • Doing so taints you with Chaos, consequences include life span shortening, but this might also say that Chaos influences you in other ways, thus you “inherit it’s will”

I don’t have much for the time part.
It could be as simple as “everything ends” which ties in with the first 2 verses talking about the “golden ichor” not lasting much longer.

I guess I only have this:

  • If you’re gonna use these powers, use them sooner rather than later

The last 2 verses seem to be tying together the past ones.
With the biblical background of this quote someone here posted, it is supposed to mean “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” basically.

Something along these lines is what I’m thinking:

  • If you do use simple magic in an effort to obtain power quickly, things will go down quickly

As far as how this relates to the plot at all, I’m guessing someone will def be lighting his furnace and then crap will hit the fan.


7th is torren, and 8th is the peacekeeper

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That has nothing too do with the recent one

before we keep going can someone remind me what ranks Zeus and Poseidon are?

think its 9 and 10 but i wanna be sure

i’m not really sure if poseidon is one, because he was under curse beard as one of his captains or something, zeus is likely 10 or higher because even his revived form can kill cursebeard.

pretty sure ive seen both of them listed as unknowns somewhere, ill look around a bit

both poseidon and zeus are ranked as 9th

Torren-3 // Chaos & Creation // Freedrock is standing still // Torren is coming home

we know nothing about 7-3 right?

7 is torren

not a lot at least, I think one of them is hades. all we know is that they are not human.

Torren is 7th, we don’t know the 3rd unknown tbough

6-3 then (ten)