Arcane Odyssey Riddle

I remember you too! What happened to you man? We’ve lost so many active members in the past few months

Banned for posting a bad video back in January :pensive:
Hoping I can make my return when punishments reset

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Since its on track of greek mythology it may have something to do with hades/plutos. Maybe tartarus?

Wait now that you mention cronus, is it possible it symbolizes cronus reforming in tartarus and escaping, and then boss fight

make a new riddle tech
we have 3x as more nerds
One Piece Chapter 1,045 Release Date

3x as more nerds yet all three riddles that have been posted are unsolved

this was post almost two years ago :skull:

Makes it even worse that 2 years have past yet no solution

Skill issue

Wait is there seriously no solution yet

Technically there cannot be solution since we can’t know if our guesse are right or wrong

Pretty sure he would say if it’s right or wrong, and he mentioned in the QnA(?) that none of them have been solved yet

I’ve done so many theories that I’m theoried-out

The riddles are way too vague and essentially unsolvable and no one is going to get them right unless we just start spamming answers and fingers crossed we get it right

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In death christians believed faithful ones would have their spirit go to heaven a paradise…

We are destined to die this is the reality for everything born.

Sparks for a fire fire generates heat a form of energy perhaps the past actions of humans have caused the current generation to hunger for power.(the fire)

In the garden of eden despite being made in gods image who is described to be perfect adam and eve still ate the apple for eternal life they desired to be Greater.

what in the fuck is this shit.

Screenshot 2022-10-31 9.11.39 AM
Golden ichor is described by google as a substance that flows out of a wound… Many thought this was aurem, something that gods could absorb to gain power but its described as something flowing from a wound… the only thing gods could produce were curses.
Curses were powerful abilities created by the gods, they flowed from the gods when they were killed and betrayed by prometheus. Not only that but there are entities in this world who are trying to claim them. Kingdoms Powerful figures such as the peacekeeper. Aos storyline is based on the will of keeping curses and becoming powerful.

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Notice how theres a Stream in the lightning while all the other paths arent shining as bright nor continue as long as the stream in the middle. Perhaps this is the peacekeeper or even his will

So you’ve probably not noticed this in fist glance but it’s actually lyrics from the song Pneuma by TOOL. Tech has actually referenced multiple TOOL songs from Discord and I believe it’s actually one of his favorite bands

tech said that he would post a riddle for us not too long ago and iirc it’s been roughly 4+ months or smth and i am thoroughly still scared

The only part of this riddle I’m Certain I know right is the last line, “those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.”
Actions have consequences, good or bad.

The rest of it has been…. So recondite lol