Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Took a year long break I’m now back to finally finish this stupid puzzle

I think these are just instructions for how to make a whopper burger hear me out guys

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Ask tech if this is true

You ask him

No u

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@techlevel80 have I solved the mystery of the Arcane Odyssey?

Just think about it:

golden ichor: condiments and sauces, this could also be molten cheese
fire the furnace: grilling the burger meat
the sword of time: the knife that chops the tomatoes and lettuce and onions
those who sow the wind: this could mean actually assembling the burger itself, reaping the whirlwind is eating the burger.


maybe each stanza refers to the 4 of us,
y’know us, morden, iris, and neviro

ig first stanza is us ig
2nd is morden bc he got the death curse and the text color changes at that part something like that idk how to explain

uh for the other 2 lines idk which ones would fit iris and neviro

You also couldve seen this by the fact that there are commas after every line, except for the 3rd passage’s 2nd line and the 4th passage. Meaning that the 1st 3 passages is one whole sentence and
the 4th could be:

  1. a summary,
  2. a conclusion
  3. or an extra hint that should help u towards a proper direction of the theory

maybe its all 3 of those. But what i tried to say in short: you were slightly overthinking about whatever u theorized.

Uh, sorry for replying to this after 16 days, but umm…


I dont think it was overthinking…


Also, on another note…

Wait, wtf wtf wtf wtf???

You’re telling me THAT was the answer all along, or close to it???

Didnt everyone suggest that we were God descendants, or is my memory failing me because of how much I kept suggesting this back then?

I even suggested it before Tech even gave the riddle…

And then I later said this when the riddle came out

If this was the answer all along, Im gonna lose it-

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I think that if you take the first and second lines, it marks the player as being a descendent of Hephaestus specifically, the forge god, who is alive and has been alive this entire time but needs help.

Honestly, I’d believe it, our character can gain mastery in so many different crafts at genuinely shocking speeds, it would completely make sense for us to be a descendant of the blacksmith.

Are we sure that the first two verses are indeed related to each other tho? Also, I thought we were more related to Poseidon, tho it aint impossible we’re related to multiple of them which is why we’re OP af and the Order was just interested in us more (Morden says we were experimented on far more than him)

Tech teased in Discord that we can actually solve the whole riddle this far in the story that’s released now. So probs just use what we know about the lore and game rather than looking for other sources on Greek mythology

Though the idea of Hephaestus still being alive is interesting…

To me, atleast, the profession system is what really ties the player to Hephaestus.
Within just a couple months we can achieve perfection in whatever craft we desire and move on to any other without ever losing that proficiency.

Regardless, there is a forge that “burns still” and Hephaestus, correct me if I’m wrong, has literally never been mentioned in the lore previously, meaning he’s just been assumed dead like a majority of the gods this whole time.

If we’re a descendant or not, I believe we’ll get to meet him in his physical form, unlike Poseidon.

Tech likes to troll with us, so not everything he says or does is true. He also wants us to figure out the riddle for ourselves, so thats prob another reason why he didnt like every post. On another note, us being descendants of gods isnt solving the riddle. Its just the golden ichor line, the rest is still black

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Hmm, yeah, that’s true… it’s just something to go off of, so thats why I keep looking at it. I mean, whats the point of solving it if we dont even know if we got it? But maybe that’s how itll be…

But when I say “answer” I meant that line specifically, not the entire thing, I was talking about the Golden Ichor only, as Tech also mentioned it was the most straightforward part of the riddle. Sorry for the confusion. (But as we know… the simplest ways are the hardest to solve)

I did notice Tech liked another reply, but I think that one only got it partly right (perhaps second line? since that had a different interpretation from all the other replies here).

Ive got more theories, but Im starting to really get conscious about posting on these posts, so Ill probs do it later… a month or so maybe (oh, its not you lol, just in general as these threads are kinda “dead” after all)

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I wonder if the large tornado on blasted rock has anything to do with this?

Considering how it states you were…“lost to time” when you dive into it…
Or perhaps it’s more so who was behind the tornado? That’s likely who this riddle could be related to.

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I thought that too as well… though it wasnt a lot to go off of, which was why I didnt make a post earlier, but it was definitely on my mind. Especially when the General’s journal states that the Thorne Empire guys fled instead of continuing because they saw something “unsettling”…

Whatever that tornado was, I dont think its caused by “natural occurances”, like the usual stuff like magic pollution or something like that… Hmm, maybe I should check it out and try to die to it to check something about the Tornado (after update tho)

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The tornado isnt the only island that got affected in the bronze sea. Munera garden got struck by a hefty earthquake and akursius keep got that insanity thing. I think those 3 natural disasters have the same cause.

I thought the earthquake was caused by the fight of King Kessler and King Nero? Also, yeah, you’re right about Akursius Keep, but the tornado may be radically different from Akursius Keep as it doesnt have the same insanity effect or haunted souls there. But who knows… as I said, I didnt explore much into this as it isnt a lot to go off of anyway, basically some connection here, but not a lot to be strong evidence for some connection