Arcane Odyssey Riddle

Where are we starting
We gonna try and link it to Riddle 1 yet or?

Not yet. Too early. We need to get base before trying to bind it to something. Otherwise we could get into the situation, where we circle around wrong idea without knowing that.

I have already made first document today and sent it to Tech. Waitting for answer.

Okayā€¦ Iā€™m gonna go look at my older theories for this one.

how the hell do you make documents so fast

do we know where our closest confirmed guess is? I mean we could work off scratch but Iā€™d assume itā€™d be easier to have smth.

Well, I had base for this one long ago and it wasnā€™t fully hopeless. So I just swapped some lines and used it again. It is rarely when I change full information in the document.


I will send my latest document here after getting confirmation. Unless it is fully wrong.

Firstly I want to remind everyone that this is the riddle which appeared in Tobiā€™s trailer. Whether that was of Tobiā€™s choice or advice by tech, I donā€™t know. The first line of the riddle appears after a lightning strike in the trailer. This I believe is intentional for the sole reason that the same lightning strike appears in both AO pre release trailers, along with the background of the riddle.

ā€œGolden Ichor of long pastā€

  • Clearly this is referring to people with the Blood of Gods. We know the Order is likely looking for people with this for their plans.

ā€œDo your best to make it lastā€

  • I still canā€™t quite tell whether this is a command to preserve the Ichor, or a command to the Ichor to make something else last

ā€œFire the furnace that burns stillā€

  • Okay perhaps this is just a generic fuel the fire and it burns sort of line. The AOMC is the fuel.

ā€œeven if you have to inherit its willā€

  • This line I have very little clue about. What if rather than us being the fuel, weā€™re the furnace itself. We are the Strongest Will of all Legacies, after all. Or our will is the one we inherited from the furnace.

ā€œthe sword of time pierces allā€

  • Inevitability
  • Nobody can escape the inevitable

ā€œbrace yourself for its fallā€

  • The event foreshadowed by this riddle will happen. Not now, but eventually. The time will come.

ā€œThose who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwindā€
Aesir is sowing the wind. They shall reap the whirlwind. The whirlwind is their plan. As Calvus said, the whole plot with the Death Curse is only to strengthen Aesir. The other High Lords are up to something.

We are the seeds.

I think this riddle is hinting at the more major AO storyline, rather than Riddle 1 which is important, but not until weā€™ve looked into it with the context of the other riddles more.

I have a bit different thoughts, but I am not ready to explain everything until I get to know if they are true or not.

The fact about trailers is pretty interesting. I can also semi-agree with the meaning of last line about sowing the wind.

Yeah, same.

I am afraid that after combinning 1st riddle with 2nd, we will have to solve some abstract puzzle based on characters morales and etc. (And it seems like 3rd riddle is right about that, but there is something other I am talking aboutā€¦)

i think the second riddle is main story points

  1. we are a legacy (golden ichor of long past do your best to make it last)
  2. we are putting the war seas into chaos again (fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will)

3 and 4 would need to be guessed

maybe since gods can exist after death in the form of souls, prometheus since he was the god of fire?

inherit the godly will of prometheus is my guess here

Wait a minute,

ā€œThe strongest will of all legaciesā€

What if that isnā€™t referring to willpower, but instead itā€™s referring to we have the most promise of carrying out the tasks the god we are descended from wants us too.

So not will as in determination
But will as in post-Mortem effect

This is interestingā€¦ :thinking:

This one is close to what I had in my document.

I like this one too, it is close to one of the branches I had for the first line.

Still cannot reveal whole document until Tech writes back.

Hi howā€™s it going so far here

Weā€™ve only started theorising here, but you could look through the mountain of theories here before that (I made a few of my own).

We do know that this second riddle can now be completely solved at this point in time in the story. Tech started liking comments that were theorising that the first line have to do with legacies/descendants of the Gods, so we have a lead for the meaning of the first line.

Hmm, I think I should check with Tech for my theories too

What was the answer for the first riddle?

Do note that ā€œTorrenā€ himself has been retconned, but I believe his old lore has been reused for something else. So its sort of a new character, me thinks. At least, by now.

The first riddle may have been made before the retcon tho

Isnā€™t the mc a descendant of zeus or something? Iā€™m kinda out of the loop but Iā€™d guess it could be related to that