Arcane Odyssey Riddle

why did bro have to necrobump :sob:

yellow spirit energy paladin imbue thats why

The last paragraph of the riddle is from top gear patagonia special

oh I thought it was from the Bible lol

Bro what :skull:


@PinkButterflyGaming got me thinking about using the first riddle with this text

If the lines sync up with the positioning, I always thought it was weird 7 - 3 was flipped on its side, but with some thinking, I got around to maybe figuring out how I could implement the numbers, so I decided “oh hey! What if it corresponds to how the Olympians were born in order?”

That leads to this (I stole it from the internet)

The questionable nature of Quora and all the data being analyzed by a bot aside, isn’t it a nice little coinkidink that Daddy Zeus sits at #7? (I double checked the birth order, so yes the bot is most likely correct. Yay robots!)

So I think 7 - 3 being flipped is showing that 7 is descending, like in the AO MC is descended from Zeus (pretty much confirmed by the Eagle Patrimony). No idea what it means as a whole with the 3 involved, as the commonality just ends up being the children of Rhea and Kronos (Hestia aside, my girl does not get much representation :sob:). Maybe it signals there being other descendants notable to the story?

If maybe some of these ramblings are correct, I think that it’ll also tie to the last part of the riddle, “7 is coming home/Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind”
Thoughts on this were mostly “actions have consequences and stuff, but with the information above maybe it means AO MC ends up going to the sunken ruins of Mount Olympus, their “home” in a sense, and obtains some godly power through their heritage, artifacts, etc., maybe even some of Zeus’s power (Zeus is the god of the sky, but yes, I know Aeolus is the master of the winds, that’s another can of worms). I thought it was weird to mention that the War Seas are where Mount Olympus was/has fallen, and not much is being addressed about it, mostly just providing a plausible background to us being legacies since gene tree shenanigans and human immigration

some part of this might not hold up tho. 1&2 being tied to Aphrodite and Hestia is questionable, although Hestia is the goddess of the hearth (fire), I would find it strange to inherit a will or fire a furnace connected with a homely goddess and a goddess of love

Likewise, 11 is coming home is strange if it would be Apollo/Artemis (grouping them cuz they’re twins), but the line for the sword of time now makes me think that maybe we’ll witness the demise of a final Olympian’s physical body

and that’s not to say that all of this is up in the air and probably mostly wrong, considering Olympian-wise, Hades is not always considered to be one, as he presides over the Underworld and mostly is portrayed around there

that’s all I’m gonna go get ganked by my rival again

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Well, 1 & 2 together creates 3, so I thought 3 might represents the Gods, while 1 & 2 represent Chaos and Creation (the concept of creation existed since 2019, so it fits)

But thinking abt it now, the Gods seemingly teamed up against Zeus in the War of the Gods, so it might fit the bill?

Also, abt “7 is coming home”… there was this NPC dialogue that mentions “the rage of the gods”, which might be foreshadowing rather than talking abt past event (Wrath of the Gods)

Unless… if we connect it to the 3rd riddle that also mentions Zeus and MC’s scension as a leader sort of counts as a symbolic return for Zeus, but idk

I did a quick search and did find that 1 represents the source of all things, while 2 represents dualities… so it might be Chaos and Creation? Not sure tho

I’m sure I’ve heard this somewhere before…

Now introducing the 11 Knowns, only 9.99 at selected retailers.!

Wait, I just remembered another theory I had, where I theorised that 7 is referring to the “sealed” evil that will be unleashed at the story’s ending. AO was created after the premise of WoM’s storyline ending after all.

I didnt have any solid evidence for this back then, it was pure speculation from the final line, “7 is coming home”, which hints at their return. But what if…

The first line is 7 - 3, is related to this riddle’s first line about Golden Ichor, which we now sort of know is referring to the Legacies of the Gods. So in a way, the 7 - 3 section is referring to the Legacies of the Gods.

And the Order believes the Legacies are the key to unlocking the seal.

In WoM, the New Greeks are hinted to be important in the storyline.

So could 3 represent the legacies being the key for 7’s downfall and key to return? Idk

wasn’t the war of the Gods humans (w/ 1-2 gods) v. the rest of the Gods or am I misremembering

Lore doc updated. It was actually the Gods in a civil war and then the humans jumped on them the last minute

reread it and yeah I see now, but the civil war seemed while biased to Prometheus, still having many Gods on both sides and not entirely outmatched

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The sword of time pierces all but how does it fall and stand still at the same time

Look again. It says “Brace yourself for its fall”, but its not in past tense. Which could mean it hasnt fallen yet, but you must brace yourself when it does…

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Also, despite 11 in the past referring to Freedrock when the unknowns were a thing, the only link to time we have is Blasted Rock, right?

Very unlikely that Tech was hinting at King Ceasar being resurected by a curse (btw there was around 1 out of 510 000 000 000 chances that the curse lands on him)

But wasnt it stated that its related to something we’ll see later in the main story?

Though… it could just be an event similar to what happened to King Caesar, but nothing to do with time

Okay, basic explanation for those, who is the first time here. Its been a while since Tech’s riddles were published, but they were laying unsolved.

Today, first of the riddles was confirmed to be solved. It was discussed in other topic, because that riddle was off-forum. The second riddle is actually from this topic, so thats why we are moving here to not dump 3rd riddle’s topic.

Alright, just looking at this riddle off the top of my head, I’d assume the “golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last” is in referral to the gods creating legacies to invoke their will long after they are gone