Arcane Odyssey Riddle

not like we are freedock

Really, @techlevel80? You just wanna watch us suffer, DONā€™T YOU? I bet you and Vetex are laughing at us trying to figure this out :frcryin:

well it has to do with people who have flame powers and connections to gods either via blood or magic is what we have done so far so not that hard just the 3rd and 4th lines are what we cant find out

uh idk, the player has to be really powerful, and for them to just disappear at the time of WOM is very strange

Also, saturn, and aurem may be more important than we think.

all we know is the 3rd one has to do with time magic or a time curse or Chronos

and the 4th one as to do with destruction and bad stuff

also what the fuck tech

saturn? (ten)

hes saying things on discord

is he saying a thing called Saturn is more powerful than Chaos?

idk, i havenā€™t look through what hes said yet, also brb, gotta restart my pc

i really feel like thereā€™s gonna be some sorta joke were juniper is more powerful than Saturn cause Jupiter is larger than Saturn

just song lyrics

so theres no super being called Saturn?

Well, of course. the lore is gonna get modified after AO is done, so itā€™s not confirmed. but your theory is interesting. so hm.

in latin mythology iirc saturn refers to kronos, ruler of the titans. maybe kronos could make a comeback in AO?

wdym comeback?

kronos, maybe we obtain art of infinity from him?

im pretty sure kronos is the time guy right, so

time travel?

i doubt they will add Kronos, first off heā€™s the titan god of time so he would be more powerful than Prometheus even if he wasnā€™t a titan cause time powers are no joke and wouldnt he also be an unknown and the only slots left are 6-3 and 10