Arcane Odyssey Riddle

possibly in the hero/villain storylines kronos could have a larger tie in. hero storyline = fighting kronos or villain storyline = resurrecting and fighting alongside kronos

Im not sure if kronos is the bad guy, or if he even has a side at all. Why would he choose a side if the threat couldn’t hurt him?

art of infinity ;_;

the gods didnt make all the magic you know

plus its not like art of infinity will be removed or anything

ehhh but if something like art of infinity is gonna be added

kronos fought against the gods in mythology; since we apparently have the blood of prometheus, kronos may want revenge against the gods in the form of killing the player.

Does anyone know what song tech was singing?

if it was the case there would have to be a god for all the Primordial magic and they would all need to be revived or be alive

oh, I guess that makes sense, but are the gods good guys? zeus was a asshole.

i mean in greek lore yeah they are good in aa lore they arent really good or bad from the human pov

nah the greek gods are just random and volatile

until Prometheus giving magic i think the only interactions were making children

true; zeus and the gods cast down calypso to ogygia for supporting her father atlas the titan in the titan war. calypsos curse was that heros would constantly end up on the shores of ogygia and she would be left heartbroken every time they left. really douchebag acting from zeus if you ask me

not all of the greek lore of what the gods did to each other is the same in aa

do you think zeus’s kids will be in the story?

idk maybe its most likely they are dead cause Prometheus

how can we know for sure? i dont exactly remember the timeline for when prometheus gave magic but i assume the lore before that was kept the same; chaos giving birth to the underworld, the uprising of the gods against kronos, yada yada

history starts at 0y with Prometheus giving people magic I just assume they were raping humans like gods do before then

Speaking of the underworld, will we be able to visit there? maybe PK came to the war seas to find hades, because that’s gotta be one of the first things they did.