Arcane Odyssey: The Contest of Champions


Based on an old WoM image where you chose two fighters to defend you as the rest comes to hunt you, I took the concept and updated it with AO content:

This isn’t called the Contest of Champions for nothing, as there are very notorious individuals ready to either join you or strip your flesh apart, such as:

  • Forum’s Nemesis Boyle, with an extra one per forum member that voted for him.
  • Prince “hey, how’s your brother” Revon, now irradiating pure, perpetual animosity…
  • The game’s developer himself with his unique magic, alongside two clones of him that’ll split into Tech and Headless’s magics in the future.
  • and more!

Simple rules! This is definitely not a fight that’ll decide the fate of the Arcane Universe!
Choose wisely, consult tactics with your teammates and other users and may be the best team win!



def vetex

Vetex, Reiko and AWE

if the other teams manage to get past AWE i will be surprised, but they are NOT getting through 3 vetex

reiko, awe, vetex
its just too broken of a combo

also is adkins go/jo’d or is it just half his level
edit: iirc adkins is a warrior, putting him at a severe disadvantage to other fighters

Half his level (10,040), so he can compete with Reiko)

white eyes + vetex + 99 lvl 1000 wind sirens

Going to go with Alpha White Eyes, Vetex, and Adkins

Defending fighters:

Alpha White Eyes
This is an automatic loss if not chosen since all white eyes seem to have an ability to fly. Combined with it’s massive hitbox (likely orthys sized), there will be no where in the bronze sea that is safe.

Overpowered individual with the ability to destroy entire islands at will. Can be seen destroying ravenna with a single multi-blast move, would be very difficult to fight against.

Chosen as a defense measure, as a warrior adkins is able to clash and destroy all incoming projectiles with either rising tide, devastate, or tempest.

Actual fights:

Boss man (x5)
Gets obliterated by vetex’s ultimate art pulsar

Blackwater Criminal (x900)
Serves as a small appetizer for awakened white eyes

Boyle (x19)
Falls to admiral Adkin’s massive aoe Tempest.

Reiko Calding (x1)
The first actually difficult fight of the bunch. This would end up becoming a showdown between Adkins with the occasional support of the three vetexs. I’d assume that Reiko would be limited by the quality and amount of gear that’s available in WOM, limiting her damage and stats. Adkins would mainly provide the role of defense by out clashing any projectiles that are fired from Reiko, but would be limited by his low ranged options. With the addition of warrior awakening giving an extra weapon slot, maybe this can be supplemented with a musket or flintlock. Alpha white eyes likely won’t be able to help much in this fight since the fights would take place on land.

Martin (x1/4)
Pray. Considering the extreme damage and range that martin has, all you can do is pray. Pray that you can outdamage him before he kills you. This will take the combined effort of Adkins and AWE to pull off.

Revon (x∞² )
Can be held off by any of the 3 Vetexs, would get 1 shotted before they can get close enough to deal any real damage. Can be neglected other than the occasional pulsar in their direction to cull their numbers.

Sirens (x99)
The most annoying fight of the bunch, enlist the help of the flying AWE to play pacman with these flies.


Sirens are level 100 unfortunately :confused:

okay if you get infinite revons then I’m definitely picking him because you literally cannot ever lose him

I’m also picking the arena bossman and reiko calding.

ok then the revons bec I can use them as shields

Legendary Beast Atlantean + Adkins and it’s not even close. Vetex still gets one shotted by both of them even with the best gear in game, at least assuming he can’t use his creator-powers/cheat.

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we don’t assume

I assume.

Honestly Martin would win just based off numbers alone…
Level 117,131 at a fourth of his strength is still 29,233 (Rounded).

That’s easily enough strength to one shot any and every other champion without trouble. Assuming this is a clip of a similar strength atlantean or Martin himself, a single smash deals 167,860 dmg

At a fourth of it’s strength that would be 41,965 dmg, taking around 4 hits to kill adkins at half power. This will likely be the same with Reiko, being of similar levels. Assuming each attack takes ~4 seconds to complete, your entire roster needs to kill Martin within 12 seconds. Pray that AWE can get two bites in that time :mariomug:

But if otherwise, I’ll go with Legendary Beast Atlantean and Vetex. Vetex can just use Godmode and increase his damage output to kill everything in his path, and the Legendary Beast Atlantean is… well, a Legendary Beast Atlantean. Complete sweep.

If Vetex can use his creator-powers, then he’s obviously the best choice and you’re only shooting yourself in the foot by not choosing him.

First off, who’s Martin? Second off, so what if that’s a fourth of his strength? Is the Legendary Beast Atlantean supposed to… hold back?

Martin is the name for the legendary beast Atlantean.
He wins :fr:

who named him

Who named him Martin? I think Gabriel suits him better.

still loses to me (I am a warden)