Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Needs more range and size though. I can’t attack redwake from ravenna

also 750 damage isnt enough buff it to +350%

if they are using glass resistance armor as a logical thing to not use (+3% health) which is kinda funny, if ur not a glass mage xd, i will counter that reasoning with bulletproof glass (+100%) health, as well glass doesn’t win a clash with light?, well now it does not only win it, but reflect 100% dmg dealt back to light users with the resistance and spells
World of Magic Clash Rates - Google Sheets

even during april fools, they still do basically nothing to glass



Wo they added Shields in this update

TheWhiteJawa/nerd1’s analysis and totally real opinion on the totally real patch notes for magic:


m1s are kind of ass most of the time though, give it flash strike or something, trust me, the weapons people won’t mind one bit

what does this mean and how quickly will the fire spread to my computer

full support.

personally, when i used to be 20 blast barraged by magic council members back in WoM, i always felt that light blind was pretty underwhelming, and i still stand by that.
to make it impact gameplay more, you guys should make it move at 299792458 meters per second, like its real life counterpart :]

should be doing, like, 350 damage, why does the normal lightning from the clouds get so much damage while lightning users don’t?

no more bullshit. how the fuck do these stat affinities even work. and what are they based on? why is the most powerful one you can have 1x rn while everything else has to be 9x-7x? wouldn’t it make more sense to put most magics at around 1x, while putting the stronger ones above 1x to show that they actually do more damage?
what the hell is this supposed to be based on? not metal or earth, even when they have 1x in damage, they sure as hell aren’t at 1x speed. is there some sort of magic equivalent of basic combat named pure magic that we just don’t know about that has 1x on everything?

the magic with the second highest most impact damage in the game is POWDERED. ROCK.
meanwhile the literal molten rock is like .925x (yeah i know about DoT making it so that it’s actually 1.4x or something but shut up)

this hits the shadow user’s opponents even harder because they got used to not having to charge every 2 seconds thanks to their awakening

holy shit, dark devastation and the bigass lightning blast are BACK (in all seriousness, i wonder how’d they balance the AA ultimate arts if they were put in AO as lost spells [even though AA ended a month before AO began but shhhh])
and finally, slow magics are getting some love. (they are currently the best magics in the game)
now we can choose to either bomb entire neighborhoods at a time (a step up from bombing culdesacs like we used to), or we can completely ignore our intended speed nerf! hooray!
also x-slash lol

idk what the first one means but also SCRATCH THAT, FELLAS, WE’RE RUPTURING THE WHOLE TOWN!

bursting aura + ult. art self explosion go crazy (the snare’s combo potential was gunned down in an alleyway [good])


… Should I be scared? Maybe it’s a good idea to have a fire extinguisher nearby…

Mimhere has struck

Fr fr, magma if it was realistic would hit around as hard as metal and the heat would instantly kill you.

Gosh, how could I forget

Headshots should inflict dazed because being hit in the head by a cannonball would do that

anybody has the actual doc? was trying to read it (Serious)

top of the topic

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they’ve changed the actual document, so wait till tomorrow

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alright ty

i’m a little silly


no thats just annoying and plese do not respond to this message


“vewy sewious”. But in all seriousness, i think pulsar should get buffed and the level cap should be removed so we can have players nuke two islands at once as it will make gameplay more immersive and rewarding

Post your balance suggestions here…but, they won’t be checked at all cause the page is also used for comments on the balance doc.
