Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Suggestion: buff cold magic synergies (snow, ice, water) to compensate for heat synergy’s dot. As well give all cold statuses the ability to reduce temps ( soaked doesn’t currently) and give them all synergy with cold (ice currently doesn’t). If ice having synergy with freezing causes problems than it could be changed to chilly or something for cold temps like how sweating exist solely for heat magic heat synergies.

All heat magics already do a similar thing with hot temps applying sweating and adding 10% bonus dmg.

I always thought the water was just, neutral temperature and not cold water

is the patch supposedly at 25th?

I honestly hope not…
Because if it is… The testers definitely don’t care about Glass at all T_T

Plus, not even a single nerf to Crystal and Metal worries me. Sure, Pulsar and other mage stuff are already getting nerfed, but Metal and Crystal are still a tad bit too strong as a magic when compared to other magics (not just on mage builds).

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No. Vetex has stated that it would be delayed due to both a week’s worth of hotfixes and him going on vacation for several days.

Pretty sure the balancing team knows better than this whole comment section, plus it might not be magma/metal that’s op but other elements misused, mages in general get auras debuff + -10% dmg, best guess is that it will be meta to saying warrior is op next.

Crystal is getting changed if the doc doesn’t change. Crystalised will be reworked with how it interacts with fighting styles/other magics that shatter it.

I think crystal is fine where it is honestly, the size doesn’t feel overwhelming and the speed balances out it’s damage. The gimmick works very well with its high impact damage too.

I think the changes are fine but no way should the shatter synergies do more than crystal itself in it’s own synergy

The problem might be the gimmick. The magic already has high impact damage. the gimmick gives it a LOT more. I am not sure if it will be balanced after the mage nerfs, but considering how oppressive Crystal was before them, it might be interesting to at least look at it carefully.

Similar to Metal. At least raise the bleed threshold to 33%.

Even AAA games, like League of Legends for example, can make some bad decisions when balancing.
Besides, there is nothing wrong with just saying our opinion in a post that was literally MADE for us to do so.

Really? That is interesting. Considering that the most busted stuff including crystal right now is how other elements that shatter it react to the gimmick. Such as the metal + crystal combo.

Funniest joke i’ve heard

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Ngl if metal gets nerfed im pretty sure every other hybrid class will suffer wayy more

wdym? You mean the hybrid classes that use metal as main magic?
That should be a problem of making other magics a bit more in line with the level of power Metal has on hybrid builds, no?

Berserker’s meta playstyle at the moment is just building HP with iron leg. Every other strategy falls flat on its head because they simply don’t have enough HP to compete versus pulsar mages. Losing >80% of your HP for taking an approach option just is not sustainable.

Here are my stats and the current armor I run if you want to try it out, I find it to be a lot more successful.
Full Hard Cernyx excluding his amulet
Swift Defense Amulet
Amplified Lion of Ravenna helmet
Primary fighting style is Iron Leg
You’re going to want to be using resilience and make great use of rushdown with this playstyle, so you’re probably gonna have to learn how to land it consistently but it isn’t that difficult.
Outside of combat rushdown doesn’t work so I find it best to land another move before using it, like shot or axe slash.

This build totals to around 3.2k HP during resilience and heals ~18 HP a second while in combat making it extremely good for outlasting non-tank mages. It falls off a little bit when fighting magics with strong DOT’s and high damage like magma, since magma already beats you out in every possible clash interaction and there is no way for you to cancel their pulsar.

I don’t think that a change like this is entirely necessary since cold magic synergies outside of water are pretty easy to come by. You can freeze a person with snow or ice if you’re fighting them in water. They are receiving buffs of their own this update but it doesn’t seem to me like they really need DOT’s/additional synergies.

I think metal and crystal will probably iron out as the game progresses. Pulsar mages are namely the big one that will absolutely put these two in their place. The largest problem I’ve run into with metal outside of that is clash value. There’s just not a whole lot you can do versus it in clashes, if it ever gets to the point of arcane adventures clashing then there will be an incredibly large issue.

You can’t wear Cernyx Amulet and Swift Amulet together.

Well… There is also the fact that Metal (and wood) are both heavy, high impact magic like earth, but still have only need to deal 5% max health damage to inflict bleed. IMO they should be moved to 30% like earth.

I disagree, I don’t think that 30% is fair at all and makes the DOT completely worthless since you will just be dismembering a limb anyway on any other magic, dealing that DOT + your original status effect. The 30% thing was fine during world of magic I suppose but it just never proc’ing in fair PVP scenarios shouldn’t be a consistent problem.

Dismemberment being when you deal over 30% of someone’s health in a single hit, you cut a limb off and you deal a bleed DOT for ~20 ticks that does ~10% of the attack’s initial damage. This would mean metal dismemberment and earth status effect would more or less be pointless.

Reasonably, what do you think the new stat builds will be with all these changes for all classes alike?

Why is both Wood and Metal only 5% while Earth, is 30%?
All 3 of them are heavy, high impact magics.
They don’t need DoT to make them strong.

Glass on the other hand, NEEDS the DoT desperately, since it has a REALLY low impact damage.

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