Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I think that the meta post balancing update will be primarily consisting of warlords or partial vitality builds like Juggernaut

Mobility and moreso survivability in general are going to be what people focus into, magic size being massively reduced across the board makes it a much less sought after stat. Stats such as attack speed are getting gigantic buffs in relation to fighting styles and weapons, with power more or less untouched.

Full power builds just are not as sustainable as survivability builds, and at high levels of play you will most often find people equipping sets to get them over the 2k point. Defense/HP is barely getting touched this update, with all the armor nerfs you can at most expect to have 75 less HP. Compare that to the nerfs magic size is getting and it is a clear dictation on what will be the next meta.

Wild guess but I’m going to assume that these items will have their value drop massively:
Sunken Boots, Torso, Bursting Scrolls

Helmet might go up I’m not sure because before it was totally useless and always swapped out in any kit.

Do the rules also apply to reworking a magic? I have an idea for reworking shadow magic

nah i think its all good, testers really deicde what gets in and a few shadow reworks have been thrown around


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While every class has a large variety of options to use at their disposal, mages are currently the only class than can reliably win most fights by specifically using 2 moves, if any other class in the game were to attempt this they would lose in almost any matchup (the matchups they would win would be ones with such a large gap in skill that it wouldn’t even be funny), skill in this game is determined by your ability to recognize a situation, and pick the right move at the current time, while also taking into account your own abilities, with improvement leading to more powerful attacks that require more precision to use. If I were to pick out a warrior player like erik, they have around 6-9 moves that they have to constantly think about using and find the best time to use them. The problem I have with mages is that they can literally use 1-2 moves for ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SITUATION and it’d be more powerful than almost anything the other side can output, they do not have to take into consideration what move would be most viable to use in this situation, how risky that move might be and what the risk/reward would be for using it, nor do they have to consider their own personal level of precision because it will hit regardless of that. To sum up, the current mage meta is a spit in the face to people who actually practice their aim, situational awareness, and move uses.


What if shadow applied an actual drain effect? Like it would leave a particle effect around the player that would slowly drain them of their energy?

all drainey effects are for darkness magic, that included non health stuff probably

(also energy drain is wave magic’s thing)

damn. Well maybe it could apply some kind of slowness effect? Like a small one

While every class has a large variety of options to use at their disposal, mages are currently the only class than can reliably win most fights by specifically using 2 moves, if any other class in the game were to attempt this they would lose in almost any matchup (the matchups they would win would be ones with such a large gap in skill that it wouldn’t even be funny), skill in this game is determined by your ability to recognize a situation, and pick the right move at the current time, while also taking into account your own abilities, with improvement leading to more powerful attacks that require more precision to use. If I were to pick out a warrior player like erik, they have around 6-9 moves that they have to constantly think about using and find the best time to use them. The problem I have with mages is that they can literally use 1-2 moves for ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SITUATION and it’d be more powerful than almost anything the other side can output, they do not have to take into consideration what move would be most viable to use in this situation, how risky that move might be and what the risk/reward would be for using it, nor do they have to consider their own personal level of precision because it will hit regardless of that. To sum up, the current mage meta is a spit in the face to people who actually practice their aim, situational awareness, and move uses.

no, that’s mud magic’s ability

oh I thought mud was scrapped. nvm then

While every class has a large variety of options to use at their disposal, mages are currently the only class than can reliably win most fights by specifically using 2 moves, if any other class in the game were to attempt this they would lose in almost any matchup (the matchups they would win would be ones with such a large gap in skill that it wouldn’t even be funny), skill in this game is determined by your ability to recognize a situation, and pick the right move at the current time, while also taking into account your own abilities, with improvement leading to more powerful attacks that require more precision to use. If I were to pick out a warrior player like erik, they have around 6-9 moves that they have to constantly think about using and find the best time to use them. The problem I have with mages is that they can literally use 1-2 moves for ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SITUATION and it’d be more powerful than almost anything the other side can output, they do not have to take into consideration what move would be most viable to use in this situation, how risky that move might be and what the risk/reward would be for using it, nor do they have to consider their own personal level of precision because it will hit regardless of that. To sum up, the current mage meta is a spit in the face to people who actually practice their aim, situational awareness, and move uses.

While every class has a large variety of options to use at their disposal, mages are currently the only class than can reliably win most fights by specifically using 2 moves, if any other class in the game were to attempt this they would lose in almost any matchup (the matchups they would win would be ones with such a large gap in skill that it wouldn’t even be funny), skill in this game is determined by your ability to recognize a situation, and pick the right move at the current time, while also taking into account your own abilities, with improvement leading to more powerful attacks that require more precision to use. If I were to pick out a warrior player like erik, they have around 6-9 moves that they have to constantly think about using and find the best time to use them. The problem I have with mages is that they can literally use 1-2 moves for ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SITUATION and it’d be more powerful than almost anything the other side can output, they do not have to take into consideration what move would be most viable to use in this situation, how risky that move might be and what the risk/reward would be for using it, nor do they have to consider their own personal level of precision because it will hit regardless of that. To sum up, the current mage meta is a spit in the face to people who actually practice their aim, situational awareness, and move uses.

now man, do the edit of shame

me when rushdown’s hitbox is bugged and is impossible to land reliably

It’s so annoying when I aim perfectly and it goes in a completely different direction because my camera was in a slightly different direction.

I don’t get it. Why are they just copying and pasting what you wrote without reacting? I don’t know if they are agreeing or just mocking.

Maybe I’m getting too old to understand those things lol

Its hitbox is a little bit jank yea, but it is not impossible to work around
Practice landing it at munera garden, I find it most consistently landable at mid to close range where you are aiming upwards or slightly over the person you are targeting. Your starting animation effects the hitbox as well, not just the knockback

it’s called a copypasta bru


Ooh. Okay. Got it lol

There is no way to consistently land it.