Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

oh they definitely will

just because they have access to fighting styles and weapons doesn’t mean they won’t touch their vitality side

In fact assuming the way I think vitality weapons work, they probably will use them more, and rely on FS and weapons as an emergency when they get too low on HP from sacrifice damage.

(Wardens could theoretically not need to do this since they would have superior regen + more HP)

Damage is relative to level, not investment
The only thing making them deal less damage is the vitality damage reduction, even then that is slight and not in any way major. Say at level 250, your stat distribution would probably look something like:
200 vitality 300 strength

You would have to either power creep the hell out of pure stat builds to the point where they are unrecognizable from their original frameworks and nobody uses any techniques except for lost ones like axe slash, or you would have to do something about vitality hybrids specifically just being their base stat build and then some.

bit of cherry-picking vibes there man…

read my response in full carefully on what i was responding to and what my experience was so far. cushions’ response was about pve being a nightmare for everyone else unless ur a mage which isn’t true ftmp. i’ve seen conjurers, warlocks, warriors and warlords especially and some savants take on end game pve (high lvl pirates) decently well.

it can be a nightmare for sure as everyone has seemingly experienced given how we complain about captains. but it’s not exclusively a non nightmare situation w/ mages.

i’ve already seend people including urself and my friends say how berserker isn’t exactly great right now. the buffs and changes from the doc are well enough evidence of that.

samething above and i have to look forward to it whenever i get back to file making and do berserker alongside juggernaut.

you missed the point/perspective of mine that i was trying to convey but i don’t blame you since i was assuming understanding of things on the basis of common knowledge/sense

(god it’s hard to explain as im writing this)

fusing vit and str together means to take the current situation of vitality and then haphazardly slap it onto strength and hoping that fixes things. when it doesnt and brings up what i said that berserker, warlock, and warlord getting tankier for simply existing. while now adding more balancing issues and concerns with the other paths that don’t have str kinda free floating (aside from savant ig thinking about it now)


someone w/ 130 str will by this wording mean they have 130 vitality to boot or even simply just 65 if u want to tone it down. then they get their 120 weapon as usual to not only have the situation warlords are currently having right now

(which from what i saw from yt and my friends warlord is really up there) as is but they inherently have more hp now and can losen up their def for more power. making them able to use more power w/ more dmg while still having the effect of a power/def balance we see currently.

this will then apply for berserker, and of course warlock with whatever their stat distribution is (100 str and 150 magic in my case)

thus brings into the issue you have with the vit hybrids - spirit weps ig but now they have an extra path to contend w/ 0 consequences. and don’t get started on thinking about savant now that i think about it . essentially playing 3 paths while only needing to deal w/ 2

(food has arrived so i wont be able to respond for a bit)

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ngl i dont see how we as Fighting style users who are meant to deal damage at close range are able to deal with other builds who can destroy our health at close range and far range. Shouldnt the close range fighters have a damage reduction or at least a vitality boost?. I dunno I just don’t see how we are to do damage like that or do we just play the ranged game like everyone else if yes I don’t see how are to do that with ranged moves that deal mediocre damage compared to the rest.

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i dunno maybe im playing the class wrong( I play warlock/berserker) cus when i try to do a “rush down style” i get deleted even when i try to even do a ranged game with fighting style i get beat out cus most other classes have better ranged options. If i do the close range burst and do some ranged poke i find that to be the most optimal but i still get beat most of the time due to them( mages, warriors even conjurers) just having easy and efficent ways do deal with close ranged players have better ranged options than us

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I second this. Strength based routes are underpowered due to the fact that you’re gonna be in the enemies face (worst place to be). But instead of giving them more health or something, what if we amp up what they’re good at to 11? I’m not too sure how’d this work stat wise, but if they were reaaaallly good at doing damage in your face then it might make the class feel better. And what I mean by 11, I mean way more than what we currently getting for most of the styles. Either that or just give the all the moves they have much less endlag which prioritizes good movement and combo strings.


idea: the idea where crash instantly destroys and ignores anything that it can clash through, making it actually possible to use it

maybe buff crash’s clashing power tho to make sure this actually works


Meanwhile I’m just here waiting for a Glass buff T_T

By itself, it’s already a very bad magic, actually being just a worse version of Acid with a shittier DoT. Pretty much ONLY used in mage builds who need a quick and fast bleed-stick to apply bleed synergy.

But when you combine it with a Conjurer build, it actually means that your imbuement basically nerfs your stats across the board LOL

Indeed i do like the idea of this it makes crash actually more useful than just a mobility move to stay in the air( which i dont think it was intended for it to be?)

yeah kinda like what warm water said

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This should also just be… addressed? In some way? At best it’s a bleed stick. At worse you’re this poor sap who has both Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost fallacy for his bad build. Giving it the gouged status would be enough. It’s already planned to be created, and it would be the only magic to have the status. This of course assumes that gouged already gives bigger synergy power increases than its bleed countpart, but I think that’s planned. Either that or bleed stacking, really. Both are viable and very easy ways to buff it.
But glass conjurer is always gonna be kinda stinky due to the nature of the things ur using, lol!
I do appreciate the hustle though

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I added the proposed status changes to the synergy sheet if anyone wants to see how they would affect the overall synergies. I didn’t know how to put scalded on there so it’s just not there. Check the Experimental v1.12 sheets.

I really don’t understand where your ‘bad build’ argument comes from. I mean, glass is a weak element all around. There is NO viable build with glass as a primary element that can be at least considered decent when compared to other elements. It’s not an issue of build. It’s an issue of an element that honestly has almost no reason to exist, at least in the state it is right now.

Just try to compare glass to any other element. It’s just bad. It’s MUCH weaker than most other magics. On a conjurer, it gets even worse. It’s not a ‘bad build’ it’s just a weak magic. It needs a LOT to become ‘decent’.

One easy way is giving it an unique DoT like ALL other magics and give it SOME synergy. Like acid which is just a better glass. Better DoT, better synergies, better everything. Even it’s hazards work properly, unlike glass.

Aren’t the self-synergies going to be removed, like Glass synergy with bleed & etc.?

Fair point, just was trying to make a joke. Sorry.

forgot to change those


Oh, sorry. That’s my bad really.

I thought you were being serious.
The joke kinda passed right over my head LOL. Sorry

Its all good, I understand that where coming from with that response and we’ve got it all cleared up now. I do agree that glass is woefully underpowered in the fact that it has no real identity, similar to sand shadow and snow. But unlike those three what should be done with glass is very clear cut and easy to implement. The fact that glass didn’t get any substantial changes this late is shocking. And hey, I hope glass gets the buffs it deserves.


suggestion: aoe abilities have a lower clash rate, or make clashes delete hitboxes on a win
its quite annoying when any projectile gets instantly deleted by something like tempest or a heavy magic explosion and you still take like 250 damage


I feel like glass should either have gouged DoT or return bleed stacking to a certain amount, like 5 max

Or both