Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Try it out at least, NPC’s are extremely jank when it comes to the hitbox and are not accurate to how it actually lands in game

I’ve had more luck landing it on NPCs than against players. Almost every rushdown I through goes directly through my target.

Try charging it up for about half a second before releasing the key

While every class has a large variety of options to use at their disposal, mages are currently the only class than can reliably win most fights by specifically using 2 moves, if any other class in the game were to attempt this they would lose in almost any matchup (the matchups they would win would be ones with such a large gap in skill that it wouldn’t even be funny), skill in this game is determined by your ability to recognize a situation, and pick the right move at the current time, while also taking into account your own abilities, with improvement leading to more powerful attacks that require more precision to use. If I were to pick out a warrior player like erik, they have around 6-9 moves that they have to constantly think about using and find the best time to use them. The problem I have with mages is that they can literally use 1-2 moves for ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SITUATION and it’d be more powerful than almost anything the other side can output, they do not have to take into consideration what move would be most viable to use in this situation, how risky that move might be and what the risk/reward would be for using it, nor do they have to consider their own personal level of precision because it will hit regardless of that. To sum up, the current mage meta is a spit in the face to people who actually practice their aim, situational awareness, and move uses.

If they don’t deal more than that reduced incentive to use other magics to shatter Crystallize.

By requiring that you use Crystal to build your stacks means you’re playing into its gimmick, by other magics dealing more damage through shattering that allows it to be a worth-it synergy without negating the fact you needed Crystallized to build up to it. Maybe they could deal the same or slightly less instead, because being able to shatter Crystallized with a fast magic or a DoT magic is helpful in itself, but I’d argue it at least has to be close to Crystal’s damage benefit.

Your earlier comparisons of “magics that don’t play into each other’s gimmicks” don’t apply. Crystallized is Crystal’s unique gimmick. Water + Ice or Water + Lightning are not Water’s unique gimmicks, they’re synergies between two magics. You buy into those synergies by picking those magics. You buy into Crystal’s gimmick as soon as you make your file, as it’s unique to the magic on its own. Most of your synergies are selling your gimmick out.

The only valid comparison would be magics that clear DoTs during their synergies because DoTs are a gimmick unique to each magic just as Crystallization is. I’d still argue there’s a difference because #1. You still get value off the DoT before clearing it, rather than needing to build up to said value, and #2. DoT gimmicks aren’t as special of a mechanic as Crystallization.

Your suggestion to make it so that you can shatter the effect at any point and the damage depends on the number of stacks is a solid idea, we just went with what’s currently on the doc because it’s easier to implement and because I already suggested the mechanic ages ago and it wasn’t added, so I’d rather try and go with a newer and more simple idea than bring up the older and more complex one.

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Is there any reason why glass did not receive any change other than a bug fix yet?
(Not trying to sound like a jerk, I honestly want to know)

I mean… Nobody uses it as a main element. It actively nerfs you if you’re using a hybrid build with Imbue… Acid is just a better element in every way… Glass actually deals lower dmg than all the other DoT magics…

Is there any reason for Glass even existing? O_o

You’re right, I’ll make sure to put in a suggestion to remove glass magic, it should’ve been removed with ink and paper but it’s whatever

glass looks pretty tho D:

glass is now a lost magic because every forgot about it

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Honestly, if it continues the way it is… it would be better just to remove it.

It does… It’s my favorite magic… Too bad it’s useless lol

Not sure if you missed it, But since the frozen gets the .2x → .3x The Petrified should have some of its combos turn back to .2x → .3x.

Also The negative modifiers need to be reduced, all positive synergies got nerfed 1.5-2x. the negatives should be as well. no reason for frozen to remove so much dmg.

insert ‘light magic is the most useless magic’ joke from a light main here which has some truth

glass’ situation as a light user is sort of a whiplash for me in a way. since during wom i considered glass to be a fair lot better than light in the many aspects of magics aside from speed. funny bright magic go nyoom.

but w/ ao and the changes in the doc i can see why it can appear that way. especially w/ the whole conjurer situation last i saw it which is kinda wack. i do agree tho that it having either gouged, a caped bleed stack (please mc captains already gave more than enough reason why it should be capped ;-; ) , or that one slowing effect suggestion which is less likely to happen ngl given lost magics (tho mud was removed so prob wouldn’t hurt)

the rubble change it’s getting as it stands right now could be something nice than it initially seems atm as glass shards can really hurt (mc captains again ;-; ) but do feel and agree it gives a bit of an underwhelming change that could use some insight and explanation to rubble alone ig.

no idea or say on the worse acid part but i can see it

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Light magic will be extremely meta if the attack speed changes get pushed

Light magic, despite it’s awesome speed, had too little damage. And I mean FAR too little damage. Especially for a magic with no DoT. The buff it’s receiving right now will probably make it MUCH better.

Glass in the other hand, is one of the worse magics ATM. Bad synergies (even worse since bleed self synergy is being removed), it’s DoT is just terrible compared to all other DoTs (like acid. Which is literally just a better glass with better DoT and better synergies) and low impact damage. Oh, also the rubble is useless ATM.

If you pair glass with a conjurer, the situation is even worse. Since glass already deals bleed, it can’t have both bleed and its own DoT going on at the same time, like corrosion and can’t synergize with it.

It’s low impact damage and average at best stats mean that apart from size (1.1x), you are literally just nerfing yourself by imbuing your weapon.

Glass deserves some attention. It honestly has no reason to exist the way it is right now.

i can see it ig, which is a very weird thing to be happening.

i was always planning to go 100+ atk speed minimum anyways and the recent changes only make me want to go under 40 power and build up atk speed or defense since 1.2k hp in pve isn’t exactly great.

build of mine isn’t really finished in a sense either as i could make some changes to it early here and now w/ v1.12 in mind

real, thats why i and other light users said not to worry about power because ur dmg was bogged anyways. so the extra blind length which is huge in of itself w/ the dmg stacking exacerbates the huge change to it that i was surprised when i saw it.

the only thing left is starlight variant and i will forever be pleased w/ light for the rest of the game
assuming nothing drastic happens ;-;

i will delete my 580 hour light warlock file including all seasonals attached to it (headless included) on top of my light crystal mage if it meant that starlight gets added either as a light variant or a magic (which honestly wont require above but if it goes the magic route but still)


Will never be real

I like the document as a whole, but I find some of the change recommendations backwards.

For example, it suggest buffing lightning because it has less damage than wind, but also suggest nerfing wind’s damage to be worse than lightning, which was the entire reasoning for buffing it in the first place. Furthermore, lightning has better synergies and a better effect even by itself than wind. I’ve personally seen lightning do CRAZY things, especially with synergies or just in water fights, which are VERY common due to the nature of the game.

Another thing I’m confused about is the sunken defense nerf. If you guys are going for 1:10 ratio with power, what is sunken being compared to? It seems to be calvus, although calvus gives similar attack size and even agility, sunken is MUCH harder to get and its defense should be above the 1:10 ratio in comparison to calvus gear’s power.

I’m also curious if you have any ideas about mobility nerfs? Mostly fighting style’s mobility and also kind of magic leap’s cooldown.

I was also curious if you guys think Vindicator damage is okay? It’s insanely low for it to be “warrior’s version of pulsar/axe slash” (the dash has endlag and does like 100ish damage at max level, triasta’s dash is slightly higher in damage and much faster for example)

ik but one can dream ;-;

why do you think fighting styles have too much mobility? (and magic jumps in that case)

the entire point of fighting styles is to be a rushdown sort of playstyle, and you kinda need yknow, the ability to reach your opponent to rush them down

also conjurors are the real issue with mobility (light imbued dagger e in question) because like holy shit those mfs with 0 agility 0 attack speed have more mobility than me somehow (I am the fastest person in arcane odyssey)