Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

That could be a good option. Just put back bleed stacking.
IMO, bleed stacking would make Glass much more unique and fun.

BUT it would still stay behind Acid and other DoTs, who have synergy with Bleed (some even allow both their DoT and the bleed to continue going on at the same time if i’m not mistaken).

Most of it’s base stats are average at best. The only stat Glass magic has above 1x is size. 1.1x. IMO it really doesn’t need being shrunk even more.

Idk what frostbite will do but I do know that scalded is the same as burn which means it also reduces dmg of water and is cleared by water. Given this it seems to be meant for one time application of soaked by the environment instead of by a water mage focusing on synergizing with a heat magic as repeated application of water would just clear the effect and reduce damage. Same for petrify with magma btw.

I’m not sure if this applies since negative synergies don’t work on your own magics. I could be wrong and the scald class is there

Negative dmg synergies don’t apply if your using it. Though it still clears the effect the as far as I know. Hitting environmental soaked or soaked applied by a teammate which would be where scalded would likely happen the most , still applies negative dmg synergies.

bro why? its so good, vetex needs to change his mind on that one


to bring you terror

Yo! 2 things that i would like to share that cooked up in my mind dome.

A: Make it so that the size of clouds / rubble / puddles are increased on attack size if that isnt already planned. It makes more sense than intensity and since intensity is getting that specific part revoked i feel like it fair.

B: Pulsar should create clouds / rubble / puddles every time it pulses instead of just 1 when it explodes. I know pulsar is terribly broken in the current version of the game but it is getting its rightful nerfs. It would give magics that are normally not the greatest with pulsar some extra utility in the form of more area denial which i feel is how pulsar should’ve worked for them since the very beginning.

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In order to make pulsar worth having speed, what about removing the pulse rate option and instead having a max distance option and duration option?

The max distance option would set the pulsar travel distance regardless of speed. The duration slider changes the pulsar travel speed. The number of pulses and their rate would scale with attack speed and duration. Duration also increases cooldown.

These two sliders would allow you to choose between zoning out a single area for a long time or a column. Also, remove pulsar impact dmg so it’s not just replacing blast.

Are there any plans to make ultimate art crash worth using if these nerfs are pushed? Ultimate art crash at the moment is only useful for its extended range and bigger hitbox, it has very little going for it in terms of overall usefulness. They are also nerfing size scaling on moves like it, so I just wanted to wonder if any positive changes were coming to this already very mediocre ultimate art.

shadow and ice visual rework when :innocent:

Frozen synergy should probably be removed I never liked that idea.

Makes logical sense because it already does that for fighting styles and you already create steam when hitting the ocean. Might as well finish the job and add heat interactions with Soaked.

Because it looks too good to be a basic magic. We tried blue with Plasma and it looked like a lost magic, same thing would go with Light.

No because it’s halved so it’d be 1×1.1×1.05 = 1.16x

Yeah as well as cast speed. The only benefit conjurers get with solid magics is extra size, at the cost of speed. (Now that I think of it maybe the imbuing size scaling should be halved but keep the size buff from Awakening if it’s going to get extra damage)

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In this case then what about giving cold magics scalded when hitting a heat status?

not opposed

the kamehameha isn’t real :pensive:

My warlock file was and still is an absolute struggle due to the fact that it uses light magic.
It’s genuinely absurd how many times I’ve had to run circles around big rocks and cliffs just to regenerate enough HP to survive trades with everything from a level 100 centurion to a sailboat captain. Bosses ended up requiring that I forget about my fighting style almost entirely to be able to defeat them, contesting them at close range is a good way to get your small healthpool drained and be left scrambling to regen for several minutes.

The problem is that they just do whatever they want whenever they want while typically teleporting all around the arena.
A boss can just choose to user their strongest attack four times in a row if they feel like it and you just have to deal with it.
There are no patterns or conditions to their attacks, leading to a lot of wacky behavior.
A lot of boss attacks are absolutely gigantic for no reason as well, and they don’t really have any design past “here’s the list of moves he can do, he will do them at random. Defeat him.”

I can agree it’s probably better to leave them off of weapons, it’s merely a suggestion to keep them in the game should vitality be (rightfully) removed and integrated properly into the other stats.

I can’t see any extreme problems that would come from removing an underdeveloped, problem-causing stat that seems to just exist for the sake of adding more variety, even if that comes at the cost of taking away from others.
Yes those three builds would indeed become stronger just by existing, as they need to be in order to utilize their almost exclusively up-close abilities. Mage builds out perform strength builds because they have more range, the same damage, and the same health.
The meta is mage because you can kill each other in 3 hits with blasts from any range.
Giving the punch guys enough health to actually get in close enough to do their things would be huge, making up for their lack of range and giving you a reason not to spam blasts in their face to just win anyway.
Weapons could also grant health per point, at a lower rate than strength since it’s the hybrid/variety class that can do what it wants range-wise.

Removing those four classes would be fine in my book, if vitality isn’t completely reworked into a stat that doesn’t just act as a stat-block that encroaches on the roles/customization of the three remaining weapon paths.
It also means more people can experience more of the different paths should they choose, since as of right now there’s 11 planned with only 6 maximum slots attainable via paying. Dropping it down to 7 would be a lot fairer, no?
Further bonus is that this makes savant less weird. Currently you will be able to infuse magic into weapons with savant even if you have 0 points in magic or weapons due to vitality.
You can do the same with choosing a second fighting style when you have no strength, ect.

Problem is you can be the glass part without the cannon.
If you pick attack speed, speed, or attack size you get struck with the HP of a 400 damage blast metal user while having blasts that do less than half of that. Having hard to miss attacks or attacking more doesn’t matter when you can be killed in 3 or fewer hits by somebody with the same health as you.
I thought my light attack speed warlock would be crazy, but it turns out having a shot do 7 damage 20 times isn’t really that good, even if it’s super fast… It’s 140 damage. Less than a default blast.

I feel like it’d push the game in a better direction, making health less of a necessity to survive and allowing things other than pure power or pure defense to thrive more.
Top level pvp is pretty crap rn because it’s first to land 3 solid hits (fewer if you run magma or pulsars.)
Mages are meta because everybody has this low HP pool if they have a meta build and doing that damage via blasts is safer than anything else.
Giving melee builds more health would make running away from them a necessity rather than a formality, allowing them to survive more hits while approaching you to do their jobs.
Currently balance is focused on decreasing damage when I feel like the problem is that compared to NPC’s we have almost no health and kill eachother very fast as result of that.
Seriously the bored guard npc in ravenna has 1800 health. That is DOUBLE mine and my warlock trades about equal damage with them. I literally cannot beat them in a close or midranged fight with my warlock despite being higher level, more intelligent, and attacking far faster.

Sorry for the late reply, I was busy. :slight_smile:

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you can still use the masenko don’t worry

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now the best i could do is a galick gun

that’s not the kamehameha
