Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Never said the cap on range was gonna be the default crash distance (assuming this idea is even added).

Not for Crash

We could change the endlag

if there was a yellow variant of plasma we would officially have Normal Ki Blasts

We could change the endlag

What endlag? Crash endlag is the same as a Blast

I think if it’s really needed, a good feature for Ultimate Art Crash would be having the damage resistance during the full animation rather than only the endlag

Oh and @Fluect you never replied to this message.

Curious on the thoughts about this, I really highlight the problem with the new formula and the current magic balance problem.
I could probably go further with how the magics are balanced now that I have hands-on experience with light magic, tbh.

i’m starting to consider making a shadow-plasma mage

it’s kind of pointless but shadow seems really solid and plasma looks kind of cool and it has DoT which i might use

and i know that poison has better DoT but like

i can be an edgelord AND dragonball? hell yeah.

also even if it sucks i could still use shadow which is already a good solo magic

Do you know how much a Magma/Fire mage is gonna care that it will have petrified with water now? (not at all)

You can only use 2 magics together, a higher quantity of interactions doesn’t mean it suddenly becomes a top tier magic

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I kinda agree with the PvE stuff about this, boss fights on fstyles are plenty doable but take ages unless they let you M1 them, I did a king calvus fight with iron leg and no armor stats out of curiosity and it took me 10 minutes to beat him just by punishing everything he did with crashes or shots

but making strength give health is a horrible idea

it’s an idea centered around buffing a strength build’s close range combat, which it DOES solve, but also consider that strength builds are not always obligated to go in close range

warlock, for example, can literally just play like a mage with a second beam and extra mobility options, if it so chooses, so now you have a zoner whos naturally more durable than the thing its zoning
warlord can also use guns and play around the reload timer, which will be easier with more health to tank through the enemy’s chip damage
I’ve even seen juggernauts and berserkers win fights just by spamming thermo fist shot and using crash/rushdown to airstall

there’s other ways to make strength builds more viable at close range; crash and smash framedata could be changed to compete with blast DPS; landing fstyle techniques could give you brief damage resistance, etc

a straight health buff is too volatile for the problem you’re trying to fix


Honestly forgot that synergies on weapons were halved.

honestly im all for this! the main reason being that vitality isnt getting any use until after the second part of the story is done. yeah it does fix most of the issues with the strength route and currently vitality sucks and will only take away future development time from things like weapons which dont even have all their moves yet, not to mention that the second part of the story is at least a year away.

and, you do make some very solid points about why this would help out with the strength route! the main problem is that how do you realistically go around about re-balancing the game without vitality. I don’t want strength to be considered broken all of the sudden. ynkow?

It is, somehow, still something to be considered. And i feel like if we had some more testers, people more experienced with the game, or even just way more people to talk about this idea we could reach a more conclusive answer? its kinda hard to make a stand on either side when its really just 2 people discussing something.

also hey guys how do i cut one one part of someone’s message correctly i get the feeling that using blockquote wouldn’t work as i think it will and i don’t want to look stupid trying

also i think that berserkers should just become God once they get close enough to mages

highlight the text you want to quote, a “quote” option will appear

block quote is fine if highlighting someones text and hitting quote is what you’re talking about. at least to me idk

mages can run away so the strength build would still have to put work in, i don’t know how that’d work against weapons people though

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idk why but i feel like a berserker should be a counter to mage even though that’s not good balance

I feel like cold magics should do more damage to targets under a heat status while clearing it.

Imagine the shock your body goes trough when you instantly go from literally burning to freezing temperatures.

here’s something that i’ve realized

  • Should be able to KILL you in close range. FAST. (Noticeably slower time to kill than full berserker on hybrids due to them having ranged options.)
  • Show those mages who’s boss.
  • Makes you actually feel like getting in close range instead of using shot or tanking 400 damage when using crash.
  • Well, weapons people probably won’t want to get close, either.
  • Self explosion already kind of contradicts mage’s playstyle but this makes it sort of pointless if a snare is your only escape from the raging maniac whose hands are torn apart from his own punches.
  • Knockback? Why would you ever want that if you can just keep using the same moves over and over and melt your opponent in four seconds?
  • actually this idea is kind of bad why did i make this
    how do you make this class viable without making it use some meta armor-accessory combination without giving the class more health on its own (that’s supposed to be vitality’s thing)
    what the hell is wrong with this class
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