Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

i mean you DID get hit with the “undecided” so they’re probably talking about it here and there but

i mean not everyone thinks about how glass is made when they think about it
it’s probably just not appealing enough for people to care about (kind of like sand and snow, aka powdered rock and clumps of very tiny ice that’s apparently better than actual ice, neither of them have undergone any changes) so maybe the testers prioritize other things

I do understand that they have priorities and i’m 100% fine with it. Hence why I’m not tagging devs or bothering them for answers.

The undecided was also 5 days ago. I’m just trying to make it so Glass doesn’t end up literally becoming a ‘forgotten’ magic lol. Especially since the release date for this patch seems to be approaching (it was 25th of this month but was pushed back a bit)

Talking about the document, what are your feelings about the ‘anti-run’ experimental change on the very bottom?

Anti-Run: Exhaustion

  • Only trigger in-combat between two players (bounty hunter & target)
    • This is to allow running from groups
  • Both hunter & target can be subject to the effect

When each player is 50m¹ away from each other, dashing away from² the other player will increase their cooldown/stamina +25%. The player will be notified via pop-up message: “You have become exhausted from running away.” Further distance will increase the penalties.

While I am 100% for making ‘running away and spamming big AoE backwards’ type of gameplay less powerful and discourage it a bit, I’m worried it might be a bit too extreme.
I mean, trying to run away when you are being hunted, tried to fight but is losing the fight is still a rather valid move.

Just to clarify, I’m 100% in for discouraging just running away without fighting or something, but depending on how strong the ‘anti-run’ system is, it will just basically encourage you to just sit still and give up if you know you’ll die instead of fighting for your life and trying to run or something. (that is if you KNOW you will die after fighting)

the anti-run system is great but it needs to affect dash distance, an agility build is still going to outrun a non-agility build no matter what happens

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I do think this issue will be addressed when 3rd+ weapon skills get added for all weapons, but we’ll see

So um, why is corroding not labeled as a catalyst? This screenshot is for next update’s corroding buffs btw, it includes the bleed synergy buffs. Corroding being a better synergy than bleed is funni.

adding onto this I think a much bigger issue with running is the water
water combat is not only jank but also extremely one-sided for builds

if you’re any of the following:
-a mage with heat magic
-a fighting style build that doesn’t have a strong shot
you literally cannot chase people into the ocean at all

and on the other side of the spectrum if you have a cold magic you can literally win any interaction by just jumping into the water because you’ll have a natural advantage

making water combat not super one-sided would require quite a few changes, the most required one being making heat magics not immediately disappear on contact with water and instead just get smaller AOE like the inverse of how cold magics work, although theres also stuff like making mobility moves such as crash more effective and easier to use underwater (and please for the love of god add a way to get air movement back when you’re in the ocean)

LOL that’s actually INSANE!

It has a synergy with almost EVERYTHING. Every day I regret more and more not going for acid magic instead O_O

Add some dot and you have yourself one of if not the best statuses in the game. Idrk why the statuses branded as catalysts don’t have better synergies than the dot branded statuses. Charred is closer, but all the other catalyst are pretty bad synergy.

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I have a feeling that the damage synergy cap that was added before release messed up a lot of these classifications

Acid ALSO has synergy with bleed (and doesn’t clear bleed), right?

yes, synergizes with all heat statuses too.

Edit: last screenshot was the old balance changes.

Water combat does need a lot of changes, for heat magics they need something like AA’s water turning into wind underwater. Ik this was talked about, but turning heat magics into steam and turning magma into obsidian (black glass for stats).

Ice can not go underwater same as heat magics, but snow can just get a free freeze. Water doesn’t synergize with underwater aside from the size unless your deep underwater since that causes freezing. The magics that are really strong underwater are really the slow solid magis like metal and crystal since you have no movement to outrun them.

I wish underwater if they went for underwater combat just had a omnidirectional dash to help with movement and if heat magics get steam and obsidian than cold magics will prob need some more buffs underwater than the soaked synergy and size since they still should have some advantage there.

it looks way too complex to be put in, i don’t know if there needs to be that much action against running

I don’t like that anti-run exhaustion either, mainly cause I don’t like having to stay close next to metal or crystal who is super strong close range. If this were to get added I’d hope for it to only affect the hunter and not be a debuff on the target since that would feel kinda clunky. Also, the hunter should just learn that agility exists and they should use some instead of exclusively being a power metalmancer spamming explosions and pulsar close range (much cope).

I believe that they said the distance at which it starts taking effect is the length of a full munera garden arena, so it likely wouldn’t affect normal fights

The full length of munera is the range of a metal or earth using full calvus.

Snow actually can’t be used underwater btw.

this is not gonna fix the jankiness of rushdown hit detection
what happened to 20%?


The ‘anti-run’ system seems to basically want to FORCE you to play on the strengths Metal, Crystal and these heavier types of magics with huge AoE have.

I mean… have you seen the ABSURD range on the explosions these heavier magics can get? The Munera arena isn’t exactly THAT big if you consider that.

Also, there is still the greatsword mountain wind, which has an obnoxiously large AoE to say the least.

Im pretty sure you mean tempest

its fine i was just voicing my thoughts out

i see ur a fellow punch someone in the face w/ light enjoyer as well

yeah that happens on ocassion w/ centurions, specifically mage and the greatsword ones. but i mostly seen myself doing this regardless of any path w/ captains because they hit real hard.

tho honestly this is probably because it’s in the water and the lack of blocking on mine and others end probably. probably us not having the habit of blocking/parrying npcs because of wom and how hard we steam rolled them and just face tanked them at best.

now thats something odd to me, the only boss that made me really wish i wasn’t using a fighting style was argos when i made myself a warlock to berserker on accident on my main/first light file. where i had to rely on punches and crash to do anything.

it wasn’t fun as u can imagine because light magic became ultra useless at that point ;-;

curious on what fs u had to switch cause the only one i can think of would be iron leg or sailor fist given boss locations that aren’t near water. only used basic, thermo, and cannon fist so far.

as for the close range thing i only m1’d them when the fight immediately starts, they start to be static (sometimes calvus’s charged blast and argo’s beast instinct are good reasons not to do it ftmp) or if they’re stuck in endlag.

on occassion i find myself scrambling around to gain hp but thats mostly cause i asked for it by that point by being greedy and didn’t block/parry in time, or they dealt more trade dmg than anticipated.

overall though my response to pve being a nightmare is the unless ur a mage part. as it’s decently difficult for all paths in general and not just the main meta heavy large magics.

yeah calvus’ aether tp can be a bit wack at times but it’s mostly coming from me being inpatient and thinking i can hit him fast enough.

calvus, argos, and elius mostly fall under this tbh, the others don’t necessarily have much of an issue on this on a pure dmg sense.

calvus being the biggest out of all three because he suffers a bit of move stacking on top of not being clear if his charged blast into a placed explosion is intentional that i’ve seen and dodged fairly easily.

argos w/ his beast instinct and devourer shot or whatever thats kinda invisible are the ones that come to mind. elsewise aside from maybe the two slashes as well at times the rest of his moves are decent to deal w/.

and elius slightly from his two slams, double spear which im pretty sure is a movestack issue and the practically invisible random 37 dmg after the spear (like genuinely where is that coming from ;-; sometimes i get hit, other times if im far enough or dodge it somehow its not there.)

argos maybe, and carina w/ grab range if u can count that as well, but calvus makes sense to why his attacks are huge. otherwise the remaining story bosses (prob should’ve emphasized this cause i haven’t fought kai or merlot before yet) are okay in terms of attack sizes.

aether magic is basically light but on steroids, pushing an explosive, longer distance potential/approach. so it makes sense why it’s huge and large cause it’s aether magics’ nature to be so.

the 1500 dmg thing is not very pog when u have bad aim at times tho.

the thing about that though is vitality isn’t really at it’s full potential of what it’s intended to do mainly in the form of spirit weps. inclined to make sure the stat is fully finished then propose if it needs to be outright removed.

fusing it w/ others isn’t really a good first approach to a solution w/ it either as well.

likely didn’t see my response reasoning why i have concerns w/ it and see it as a bad idea. the only issue i can see is range but thats really what mage is about, its supposed to be zone and has snare in existence so it wont get bodied in cqc.

a lot of the issues w/ mage in the v1.12 doc are decently solved already especially w/ snare having less dmg and more knockback for a less combo-like feel towards it which i also found myself doing the combo-like feel as well.

thats mainly what comes to mind w/ it alongside which u’ll see w/ versen’s similar sentiment to mine as well w/ more concrete examples w/ it.

not necessarily, its not entirely impossible to get within a mage’s comfort zone and it’s mainly the large heavy magics w/ their large dmg giving the huge bad impression in a seemingly impossible situation to win.

not all mages/magics are made the same as well because a wep and str user getting close to my light crystal mage is a nightmare situation to be in. where i was proven right today by that conjurer who attacked me for not saying hi back to him while fishing and pretty much bodied me.

some mages/magics can handle being in a situation where ur opponent is in ur face which can be what u want. and other times like me where u want that situation to happen as reasonably less as possible.

mentioned it in my response w/ a more literal and toned down suggestion of it. doesn’t really dampen the bad idea too much.

this doesn’t really make too much sense to me. “encroaches on the roles/customization of the 3 remaining weapon paths” doesn’t give me much specifics and can only assume u mean the vit hybrids?

no matter what i can think of/say allows me to form a concrete response to this.

if they’re really strict about only use one account potentially yes but not like those that don’t have the extra 3 files aren’t going to use alts for the remaning 3/4.

it would certainly cut down my 44+ files w/ 4 combinations of each class w/ polar opposites of another. currently wack and not entirely worth doing so right now given not enough fs and slightly weps as well. but doesn’t mean i wont eventually do it tho.

i mean it’s not entirely weird. just means u invest into 3 things instead of the whole 4. you can leave either 1 of the 4 things behind.

be a:
fs, wep, spirit wep savant (magic is gone)
fs, magic, wep savant (spirit wep is gone)
magic, wep, spirit wep savant (fs is gone)
fs, magic, wep, spirit wep savant (none of them are gone)

currently yes given the meta of large heavy magics on pulsar and atk size being the way it is before v1.12. but it also contends w/ you not choosing the stats that fit ur set up/magic

atk size for a glass cannon light mage for example, would be a redundant investment as the nature of light magic doesn’t utilize size. thus leaving me w/ intensity, atk speed, and agility.

all 3 with a main focus on power since ur going glass cannon (tho anything past 40-50 power as a light user is pretty redundant outside of trying to be a glass cannon) is a pretty viable investment but atk speed would be first, agility second, and intensity third in terms of secondary stat priority.

weapons are pretty straight forward but honestly follow the same conditions above but replace intensity w/ size probably or just those tho. (intensity on weps aren’t known to me)

i haven’t gone berserker or jugg and having touched fs too much as of late but they follow a similar principle to weps.

anything above 2-5 honestly isn’t entirely worth it atm if at all in the future unless ur purely atk speed or can dish out all 20 in 1 the same amount of time as a 1 use attack. stuff like this are pretty gimmicky and don’t have much practically unfortunately.

aight i wont respond anymore for now since i spent 2-3 hours writing this and my writing battery is dying ;-;

and to give a response to the other two