Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Well new formula evens the odds more with weaker DoTs since their damage will be on par with/higher than these DoTs. Magics like Magma and Metal can just be nerfed raw, they have more issues than solely their Dots.

No because Intensity affects DoT now and Poisoned won’t be burdened by its low damage multiplier.

Your damage is applied over a period of 20 seconds, you won’t be “spamming” easy-to-hit attacks because your DoT is applied infrequently. The meta would look more like “using an easy-to-hit attack once and then playing normally for 20 seconds and then using an easy-to-hit attack again.”

You could just as easily make the argument that Poisoned currently is just about fishing for a high-damage attack rather than an easier-to-land attack. Yes, it requires more skill but how much would this really matter for once every 20 seconds? If you miss your strong hit then you’re just gonna throw out any attack.

I think you’re just hyperfixating on Poisoned, Plasma’s playstyle would vary a lot more than Poison with this change because your DoT is short, meaning you can just spam
easy to land attacks, which could honestly be an issue but I’m willing to see where it goes.

I think with most of your arguments you’re presupposing that you can just rely on DoT to deal all of your damage for you, which I’d argue against.

Only a nerf if the Intensity changes cannot compensate for the removal of Power affecting DoTs. Otherwise, it’s just a buff.

Even more so for weapons/strength since they deal less damage.

For multihits, it’ll apply an extra time at most. Not very scary considering it’s on a multihit (less damage) and Crystallized damage is being reduced nevertheless. Could be an issue to consider in the future.

Guys let’s buff pulsar damage by 200% and call it a day.

Also regarding all the Metal discussion I don’t know if people realize Metal with low bleed synergy is just worse Earth except for bonus stats like clashing. It’s also just an Earth clone at that point in terms of design.

Hopefully, Earth/Metal meta will fade with Pulsar/AoE nerfs, but if they are still dominant then they should be nerfed in areas aside from bleed threshold. Nerfing the bleed threshold just makes Metal more homogenous.

It would be like if Plasma were OP and it were nerfed to have its WoM stats which were almost indistinguishable from Fire.


ah yeah that makes sense

Strength builds could have their fighting style moves cause them to take reduced damage when it clashes with magics (less DR on Warlord and Warlock), and maybe SOME ranged weapons moves.
Edit: This wouldn’t work if the mage is ACTUALLY at a good distance from you, but I don’t know how that’d be implemented without basically adding sourspots and sweetspots, which is already likely not happening. Maybe there’d be another way to do it, but nothing immediately comes to mind.

  • For example, using a move would basically cause any blast to rupture upon making contact with its (or YOUR) hitbox (except Rushdown, I think that should be a very high damage move in exchange for no protection) starting from when you press the button for said move, which would either cause the blast to no longer exist or get hit with a speed and damage nerf, kind of like Shining Cycle, but maybe not as much as a delete button. Running into a Blast with Crash would make you take reduced damage, because YRAAAAAHH!!! (Why not?)
  • Magic Explosions would work the same as blasts, but solely as reduced damage. A placed explosion would likely catch you with your guard down, but if placed explosions have increased startup (likely an okay solution to its free hit status in the scenario it isn’t reworked,) you could probably block/parry it instead.
  • Magic Beams… honestly, they might be fast enough to deal more damage than a blast upon hitting the hitbox, maybe even entirely bypassing it, but a double beam is already sort of just a better blast, if you ask me. (Blasts travel farther and have a bit more damage, but you’re not gonna hit anyone at actual long range unless you’re running Light or something.)
  • Magic jump spell I don’t actually know the name of is an escape tool if your Snare’s on cooldown.
  • Snare serves as an escape from a berserker in the scenario he catches you. It’s a magic grab, so it bypasses the proposed damage reduction of the strength build’s moves entirely.
  • Pulsar… I guess the interactions that my idea has with this would just be the same as Explosions, but there’s more of them. You SHOULD be able to reliably dash away from them by the time 1.12’s out.

Oh is power being removed from this equation? I thought it would’ve been interesting to account for power to reward investing into it

Will see just how well intensity holds up though

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i have an A in math but still can’t actually process this what does it mean

Anyway, does this sound way too complex to implement or could it actually kind of work? I imagine it’d make Iron Leg kind of overpowered (big AoE, big projectile destruction), but that could probably be sorted out.

(level + 19 + Power) x (DoT damage in %)

Let’s take a level 125 magma mage with 50 power, magma’s melting DoT 50% of an attack’s damage over 10 seconds. This is how their DoT would be calculated;

(125+19+50) x (0.50)
= 194 x 0.50
= 97

So this magma mage’s dot would be doing 97 damage over 10 seconds, aka 9.7 damage per tick (I think dot is rounded down though, so might be 9 per tick)

oh, okay. thanks for clarifying, but i don’t get why 19’s just sort of thrown in there, wouldn’t it be useless to have by the time the level cap starts getting higher and higher?

Probably mostly to help at lower levels so that dot isn’t useless (without the +19 you’d be doing next to no DoT for a while), I’m pretty sure hazards in WoM had a similar formula too

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yeah i JUST remembered that low levels exist, lol i probably should’ve realized that sooner

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It’s increasing their already very high level of synergies. Also, there are fights that aren’t just 1v1s where extra synergies besides between two magics do matter and the new synergies will mainly help heat magics take advantage of people going in and out of water or rain.

The extra synergies aren’t the sole reason they are good, but it does add to their already powerful stats and synergies. Heat magic synergies are already stronger than cold, they don’t need to have buffs from soaked when no cold magic benefits from them.

I wonder, why is rising tide a set height but spiraling fury is based on attack speed, shouldn’t both of the mobility dashes be consistent (either bother are based on speed or a set distance/height)? being able to use sunken sword as a high mobility tool would feel more practical than having a set height (slow conjurers can unimbue it if it’s too slow for their liking)

updated it a bit, would appreciate if someone told me their thoughts

If I press F5 on the balance doc at least 10x per day, pray constantly and keep not tagging devs or testers like a good player, I’m sure the testers will answer my prayers and do something about glass. :upside_down_face:

i assume that they keep updated on everything here, so it’s possible that they might be getting annoyed about it

or maybe vetex just hates it

i’m waiting for a tester to reply to what i said, too, i think it has potential because i made it and i’m awesome assuming somebody can figure out how to iron out the problems with it

I mean, It’s still DEFINITELY a valid issue. Glass has no reason to exist as it is right now. I’m just patiently waiting for any news regarding if they have plans to revamp glass or not. Lots of people gave valid suggestions about it.

I’m just waiting for any news about it really. Whether a reason for it not being buffed or confirmation that at least they’re thinking about doing something with it.

You mean hating glass? Well, it’s a possibility.

weapons are the most varied ability type rn
u have ones that are literally just trash (bows ig) and ones that just outcompete everything (greatswords tempest)
now this is about weapon types not specific weapons
i think each weapon type should be more balanced, so there wont be an extreme apparent meta
magics and styles seem to be following this, but weapon skills seem like they are still all spread out