Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Yeah, sorry. I get the names mixed up a lot. I don’t use greatsword that often. I just have the habit of hating on it whenever I see someone abusing it LOL

There was a bug fix recently that made rushdowns hitbox much more reliable, and honestly from what I’ve heard from testers, rushdown doesn’t need the additional 10% boost but it’ll just be an added benefit for fighting style users

alright, i might need to check it out

Does this mean scalded won’t be removed by cold magic/water? I say this since the status it copied was burning and burning is cleared by water.

Also, are the negative dmg synergies still there for the interaction applying scalded and with

Anything to make the water sunken sword sailor fist savant useful? What about the water sunken sword conjurer or the water sailor fist warlock or the sailor fist sunken sword warlord. I would love for extra water to be good. Same thing for explosion triasta and heat magic+thermo.

What if you had synergy with your status if it wasn’t applied by you, like environmental or friend. More importantly, what if you could stack soaked to 10 stacks and it does nothing besides making the person just look like a blob of water.

We’re in the works discussing something to possibly compensate for this, as of right now for example magma/earth is always better than metal when imbued on iron leg, similarly, ice/snow is always better than water on sailor/ss.
I 100% agree tho, there should be a benefit to not doing synergy abuse

I mean if the game is about choosing your own playstyle, extra water or extra metal be funny.

Perhaps synergy for hitting environmental status that is the same as yours and for using a imbue that is the same status as your weapon or fighting style, perhaps a stronger version of the status like gouged.
For example:
Environmental status + magic causing same status = +10% dmg

soaked + soaked = drowned/drenched
-Synergies more potent?
-Slow movement?
-Reduce Air underwater? Maybe above water too?
charred + charred = idk
-Synergies more potent?
burning + burning = blistering/blazing
-Much higher temperature increase (level of melting or higher)
-Higher DOT
bleed + bleed = gouged
-Already planned
Something for wind + wind (boxing) = bruised?
-More knockback as well
Poison + poison = toxic/tainted? idk about this name
-more dot

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Similar to glass conjurer.

No reason to exist at all if you can just use acid.

In fact, not only for conjurers, but there is zero reason to chose glass as your primary magic atm.

Might not be pvp related but I figured its similar enough since pvp is a big aspect of it. If fame and bounty is guaranteed going to be reset at full release, there should be rewards like an accessory, title, item, or anything to compensate for the amount of fame you worked for getting reset.

Could be based on placement in the leaderboards or certain milestones like the ranks in navy/assassin and they scale up the higher ranked you are.

I feel like that’s the least you can do after wiping people’s efforts on getting to the top without spitting them on the face. Say what you want about leaderboard players but theres still time investment put into it. If vetex can transfer our old items from WoM to arcane, he can also do the same in full release by giving rewards of some sort.

That’d be sick, maybe certain magics could have unique clash interactions with fighting styles?
Light solid magics like glass/ice/crystal could shatter and instantly deal shattering damage
Hot projectiles could superheat iron leg the same way it does iron projectiles, maybe lightning too

It’d just be awesome to see magic interactions inside element-related fighting styles IMO, since fighting styles have only one use as far as I know in terms of clashing


I was heartbroken when I found out the 250 intensity build was just an exploit :disappointed:

The reason we’re not doing a buffed dot is cause then we’d have to make 15 something new dots for every possible dot

I was curious if anyone had information regarding when vetex plans to add the other weapon skills for weapons.

Some weapon skills currently that aren’t in the game could still be used by full warriors with 250 weapon if they were in the game.

Furthermore, regarding the update with the renown shield, I was curious if that update would affect Assassin Syndicate players, as they are currently the only criminal guild in the game that can’t free fellow guildmates by turning on party damage or just fighting in general.


Why’d you guys remove ice freezing targets that are corroding… it sounded like a cool synergy and rn, freezing pairs up with only 3 other magics (snow, water, wind), and no longer slows like it used to. Why can’t it just keep the new addition when ice is based around synergizing?

Because corroding already synergizes with nearly every magic in the game. It doesn’t need to synergize with cold, hot and a bunch of other stuff + a stun.

This is currently the same for all cold magics.

I don’t know the exact numbers, but I’d say that thermo at max heat is probably 25% faster, while boxing stays around the same speed the whole time unlike thermo

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Please fucking fix this man. Actually so irritating when you quite literally can’t break anyone else in the Syndicate out, half the time I genuinely have to go and swap files to break someone out of prison

hmm i see fair enough, thanks

Some people might disagree with me but why not buff savant awakening because mage 2nd magic requirents are 120 and savant 80 while savant puts 1/4 or 1/3 of his stats in magic in comparison to mage so should it be around 50 requirement at max? As for 2 fs why not 40 requirement we dont have much attack size as other classes and we are stuck with old weapons which are for lvl 50 so this awakening buff would keep the jack of all cards fantasy because right now i took second magic and i can only use blast.