Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

savant is fine it’s going to be powerful later on no need for savant buffs

Yea i feel that way but what doesnt get into my mind is just mage and savant have similar awakenings and mages can use other spells with their second magic and savants depending on the build only the blast spell

thats because savants have access to both weapons and fighting styles while mages dont


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Savant’s awakening feels lazy though, much rather have imbuements first instead of extra fs or magic.

the way it is rn is fine if they got the imbuements first theyre just a better conjurer/warlock/warlord if built correctly

If not as the awakening for all, at least as an option for a weapon-focused savant. Rn it’s just discount mage awakening or berserker awakening.

For the weapon part: They can essentially only use old weapons which have less aoe since they need to have less than 100 points in any stat
For the mage part: They are limited to beam, explosion, jump, and blast. Can’t even use placed if they don’t use up 90 points on it.
For the strength part: They are limited to rush down, crash, and smash with few options.

Being a jack of all trades, they are far more limited than any other build in a specific section (which is the point). Giving them imbuement won’t make them a better conjuer/warlock/warlord since they have even less options in each playstyle.

Can the petrify status have the same 20% → 30% buff like frozen? else it’ll just be a weaker frozen.

30% buff with what? Petrify synergizes with all of the magics needed for it, frozen only synergizes with ice, not sure I’d call that worse.

Earth/Metal/Lightning/Crystal: +20% → +30%
Frozen^ ???
notjust ice??

Current Frozen and petrified side by side. None of the magics besides ice that are required to cause freeze synergize. Petrified synergies with all of its prereqs (-ash).
Future Synergies below

“None of the magics besides ice that are required to cause freeze synergize”
Not sure what is meant by that or you are missing a “,” somewhere. But wasn’t the next change allow ice to self place freeze after 33% dmg? After a user just does 33% in both ash/ice then petrify is just weaker.

This is just for parity with other stuns.

None of the magics, besides ice, that are required to cause freeze synergy, synergize with freeze.

True, ash may be deserving of a 10% buff there, however, the buffs that freeze are getting still shouldn’t be on petrified as well.

Edit: If ash does get the 20% → 30%, then frozen should be given synergy with snow and water for parity.

Then it’ll just make Frozen even more OP, since it already has 6synergies with 0.2x
and 5 for petrified. you could say 10% is a “synergy” but no one is ganna pick synergies that are less then the maximum (20%) in this case.

And you forgot the “activation” synergy. Not sure if the value has been nerfed. But when snow causes freezing into frozen it does 25% more dmg. and ice freezes does 25% as well.

Logorathmic stat scaling when? Ik stats already soft cap like this, but it needs to be way more aggressive (especially for power).

Dmg(Power) = 10ln(Power+1)



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nah that’s a logarithm, square roots less loved cousin (at least by students).

Can confirm. Never bothered to learn it correctly. Never will. Not even after my major LOL

now what about logistic growth