Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Beautiful math, overcomplicating nerfing the power metamancers and min/maxers.

i know that they’re similar and that there’s a method to them depending on the base and other values but i just

cant figure out what it is

luckily, i didn’t have to, i just needed to know how to properly put it in a calculator


All grabs were fixed in TU, Brutal Rush is still a bit janky but other than that they are overall a lot more consistent

because people can’t look up sulfuric acid freezing point and just say it doesn’t make any sense and will make acid broken (somehow)

good to know, thanks for the confirmation

I think it’s more of something about it being a heat related magic. It’s similar to if magma’s melting status effect could be frozen by ice. Regardless of it being liquid or not it’s a consistency thing (lol)

I think the bottom line is just that ice is generally the worst ‘stun’ magic since it’s extremely situational as to when it will actually be beneficial. I don’t think that someone being shattered out of the frozen status effect has happened a single time since the start of the game in a 1v1.

Water clears scaled? That’s kinda odd, since scaled is only possible via a combination of magics it should be like burning with a resistance to things like water.

Acid doesn’t need to be hot to break something down, but usually in the process of dissolving something it can produce heat. Regardless of the legitimacy of acid’s corroding being a status that can be used to inflict frozen, it is 1000x more reasonable than your example of magma’s melting being used to do frozen. If magma can inflict petrify via soaked, then acid can inflict frozen via ice.

that massive aoe is getting nerfed already

also have you heard of the T key

Acid is usually colorless but the melting effect would be much more similar to hydrofluoric acid which has a melting point of -83.55C which ice certainly does not make it.

Magma literally would solidify anywhere from 700 to 1250C so I don’t know why you think it’s more unreasonable water can bring it down to that temperature while ice is already able to instantly bring water to zeroC?

And people are forgetting about basic physics of thermal shock
This as an example, when steam locomotives boiler blew out all of its pipes because the heating part was left out with no water for too long and water applied to it rapidly

It’s a carbon copy of burning so I’m pretty sure. Unless it’s being changed.

Cause corroding is rn the 2nd strongest status and next update would make it the strongest even above bleed. It wasn’t meat to be a catalyst and it has dot, why does it need freeze to go with its other high synergies?

I don’t think the way you rate status effects is correct as you can only get 2 magics, it’s not like you’re applying 12 different synergies at once.

I don’t think acid needs a freeze either though

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If you think the T key does anything to escape the massive explosion AoEs… You might have not fought against many mages
Plus, pillars have insane vertical hitbox.

He has a max agility build his T is as good as a thermo light crash

(But he does no damage)

non-musket using warriors saying I do “no damage” moments before I land pulsar + pillar after they beast instinct:

The original idea was apparently that it was sulfuric acid not hydrofluoric acid. Regardless of that, we can’t totally know the properties of the acid, considering it’s produced by magic at the end of the day.

This is magic acid, it could literally change it’s properties to

Presumably most of the magma blast doesn’t just stick to the player.

But if we REALLY want to get into the whole details involving realism, here are some examples:

  • Leidenfrost effect should mean I take 0 damage from fire while soaked unless it’s a 20 hit beam.
  • Magma puddles should start killing players that get within a few feet of them (range increases the bigger the puddle) and there should be toxic fumes in the air.
  • Metal/Earth should push back players and crush them, cripple every bone in their body if it makes contact with any landmass.
  • Solar flares are 10 to 20 million degrees Celsius, thus Iris should upon using her magic obliterate you, Frostmill, and basically Durza the entire War Seas because of the amount of energy just using flare magic would leave behind.

If it’s possible to do it then it should probably not be completely removed as an option. Realism isn’t the key point of the game anyways, some acids have a freezing point that is fairly reachable with ice and that’s good enough for me.