Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

listen i’m hype as fuck for recolored wind that applies bleed [slash magic]

if it’s dark red it’s officially edgier than shadow and MAYBE even death

the trello labelled it as green

ok so now it’s galebreath deepwoken

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wait a minute… there’s no mention of “slash magic” AT ALL!

the lost and ancient magic list got deleted, when it was there slash magic was labelled as green

so, that either means that it’s secret and that we’d DIE for figuring out more or it’s just scrapped

correct, never had in depth chem in middle school. I’ve learned more about the periodic table in physical science alone than the entirety of 1-8th grade (yes i know it is not chemistry necessarily)

adding on to this: everything up until 9th grade was just titled science

well for me it was science up until 7th where it was Life Science and Earth Science but I barely learned anything new from either so :woman_shrugging: they should teach more periodic table and shit in middle school I found it more interesting than all of middle school science…

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i’m lucky, i don’t even need to memorize the damn thing, i just need to look at it when i need the atomic mass or something

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it’s cause everyone was freaking out when mud was removed from the list

why would they freak out mud sounds lame as shit

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soaked + earth could do the same slow effect of mud

cause it was cool

you can’t convince me that wet dirt is cool

dirt alone is cool though

correct me if im wrong but wasnt there also a “lunar magic” which was described as white tinted water or something like that?

wasn’t it blue and black, since solar was originally planned to be white and red?

solar was white and red water?


red and white fire

why would solar be water

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