Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Its crazy to me that both these magics were suggested to somehow synergize with ice earlier in this thread, I don’t care which it is just give ice some MUCH needed synergy, why are people shooting down both ice freezing corroding targets when it makes sense and wouldn’t greatly affect balance in any way but encourage build diversity AND ALSO say that shadow is “too good” to synergize with ice.

Like ice is struggling like crazy right now, everything it does, something else does better and this needs to be addressed. Its damage and aoe are average at best and its speed and clashing are most definitely subpar. Its lone status does nothing, and even when you do all the work to actually get the frozen status “stun,” it clears so fast you can’t even use any of the interactions that come with it? Like ash and lightning both get a similar stun but ash also leaves DoT clouds that can area deny as a secondary and lightning is also one fastest magics while also having a ton of other interactions.

My point is that all magics are good at one thing and ice fails at the one thing it’s supposed to be. I think that to actually balance it out with the other magics they need to give it at least one other interaction, whether it be with corroding giving it freeze, or shadow positively interacting with it in some way OR make the freezing status effect actually SLOW people down so its not completely useless by itself.

i was talking about white tinted water and you suddenly started talking about white and red without specifying any magic type

Glass users:

It’s not unique to ice, all cold magics are lacking in synergies (partially cause there is just way less compared to heat). Buffing an alraedy op synergy status is not the solution though. Give it synergies with other stuff, they don’t all need to be frozen synergies, they can just be dmg synergy. Ice is not the only magic that fails at its gimmick, catalyst magics (water and explosion), shadow and light fail at their gimmicks pretty bad. I’m the case of catalyst it’s better to just pick acid and explosion is just a better catalyst then water.

Buff stuff besides acid for synergies.

i feel like they can add more to the drained status on shadow, whether it could have more blind or like a idea of slowing down enemies a bit. mayb too much. kinda useless effect that can be reworked

I vote for a passive regen reduction.


That is actually a great idea! Would somewhat fit with the idea of ‘draining’ too. Like draining vitality, regen or something.

Plus, it’s not IMPACTFUL enough to warrant a heavy nerf on it’s stats to justify the addition of this extra effect.

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O I meant for energy, and maybe stam too. I guess reducing vitality might work? Might wanna give that to freezing or something instead though.


I’m not sure if anyone suggested this or not… but I think that a good method of buffing strength builds in a way that encourages their rushdown style and encouraging methods to play into for other classes, would be to add some kind of damage reduction to certain moves while they use them. I feel like with this method it would allow players to actually use the rushdown style without it being punishing to actually use against other classes. The damage reduction also shouldn’t be too crazy in order to make them op, I think a good threshold would be about 25% - 10% and maybe it could depend on the strength build.

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The anti-running changes are good in concept, especially the ones regarding bounty hunting, but this is so easily abusable. Getting bounty hunted by a dude and his friends and he combat tags you? You’re in Exhaustion, and then his posse of friends all delete you because your only option was removed. Getting bounty hunted as a level 50? You’re in Exhaustion, and your only option of escape was removed.

Players running from a fair fight is beyond irritating, but this has potential to be absolutely infuriating. Exhaustion is going to reward hunting low levels and hunting as a group, which is beyond lame.


already suggested for endlag of crash

If it’s so irritating, then just leave if a level 125 of the opposite rep joins your server. I often find servers with none, without even trying

real fun way to play

I mean… A hunt is still a hunt, right? Not a duel

Running away, while discouraged, should still be an option when you know you’ll lose after trying to fight someone… it’s a HUNT not a duel.

Other cases where the anti-run system could be abused is if you are being ganked or if someone tries to kill you when you are fighting an npc or boss (which happens quite frequently).

All in all, the anti-run system can be abused way too easily.


I think a gank squad is inevitably going to be instant death no matter how the game works, but the level 50 part is a good point. Maybe the anti-running system shouldn’t apply if there is a significant level gap between the two players (maybe like 1 player is a 20% lower level than the other player at minimum)? Other changes will allow it to detect who’s in combat with who anyhow (the remove combat tag on kill change), so this can probably be coded in.

But I think all things considered, yeah, running should be a viable option. I think the problem at hand is that there’s nothing you can really do if someone decides to run. Attacks rooting you in place means that trying to hit a guy who’s running away means you’ll fall many paces behind.

I’m not sure how it would be done, but there needs to be some form of an attack that can catch up to enemies who run away. The runner should not be punished, but rather the chaser should have more options to catch the runner.
Currently, the only way you can hit a running player without losing ground is guns (and technically cannon fist but you’re probably not landing those throws like that lol).

The only attacks I can really think of that can accomplish this are things like Crash and the weapon teleport strikes. But magic has nothing, and some fighting styles might have too slow of a speed modifier for their Crash to catch up to a more agile runner.

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Gets 2

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Increased dash stamina cost (10->15%)
Increased dash cooldown (1->1.5s)
Lower atk speed distance scaling for spiralling fury and crash distance (-20%)
Longer combat timer (30->60s)
Red footstep tracker
Decreased health regen in combat again
Experimental: Dash stalling when dashing further away in “bounty hunting” or 1v1 (+25% to cooldown and stamina cost) (can’t even dodge to the side anymore if that counts as away)?

The changes are good then get more questionable at nerfing tanks and getting punished for dashing away imo. One person slows your dash by combat tagging you while a metal mage moves in.

With all the nerfs dropping all at once I don’t know if the stalling might be necessary when some moves are so large or fast. After a whole minute of avoiding damage (skill issue if you miss attacks for a minute) I think it’s fair to be let off, dash stalling might be unnecessary since regen is already reduced in combat and might be nerfed again.

If they’re as bad as the ones that threatened to neutral me and then dipped after I mirked one of them once I got out in the open (they killed me again but this was at fort talos and my spawn was there). Well, in this case it honestly really isn’t as instant death as one would think.

Either give us dash stalling or the dash changes