Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

During a bounty hunt, The person Hunting should lose 1.5x if they die but the hunted only lose 1.0x is they die. Bounty hunter always have the upper hand as they usually are the first to attack, and taking on a bounty should be more risky and harmful to one’s reputation (logically because you failed).
Hunted could also be given 1.5x rep from the 1.5x lost by the hunter, as a reward/encourage fighting instead of running away. (Only gank’ers and rats will not want this change.)
This change will heavily incetivise hunted/victim to fight and try to win due to the benefit of higher rep gain than loss.


Crystal shatters don’t deserve to have their damage reduced by blocking. Parrying keeps the crystals from shattering on a 4th hit, but blocking and having the crystals shatter should do regular damage or ignore the block defense entirely.
this is only if a crystal attack shatters, by the way. this helps the gimmick be more existent. i use crystal with glass.

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you have also been doing upwards of 850 damage per shatter

Who cares if crystal’s gimmick will become existent again?

And 893 damage required a very punctilious setup.

Increasing the clash advantage of fighting styles could also help.

i had something similar but pretty fleshed out

All other status effects get their damaged reduced by blocking the attack that procs them, why should shattering be different?

Because this is planned to be added, so those DOT status effects wouldn’t have their damage reduced.

Thank god this was added. Light is so arguably the worst magic right now due to size and damage meta. Plus the status is effect is next to useless due to people just dashing away after they get blinded. Imbuing this thing onto weapons does like 40 dmg less making it just straight to the junkyard. Yes u hit faster, at the cost of no aoe and no damage, fighting mages while having this thing on making me hit 7 of my musket shots and they didn’t even go red only yellow.

Scaling nerf on attack size and damage was needed, warlord and mage friends hitting half of the entire arena, still doing more damage than light conj. Damage and attack size meta, begone!

Besides, where is Metal and shadow nerf?

What a great idea to nerf magma and do nothing with metal and crystal.
I think it’s worth lowering the magma damage to 0.0, and increasing the metal damage to 2.0

yall forget that speed is gonna be more impactful with pulsar and explosion, which are the main reasons why those magics are broken since they dont require much aiming. that and combined mode and shape nerfs will make sure you aren’t reaching massive damage easily.

Had a thought about modes. Weapon aura gives +10% speed, size and damage but is permanent and no cost compared to temporary focus and aura which is magic/fs dependent, only one stat but can scale with intensity.

For mages (only info known?) Power ranges from 15% to 11.25%, Resistance 21% to 10.5% (glass is 3%), Speed 56% to 30% and devastation 15% attack size. Which are all larger than weapon aura at a cost of being temporary, having energy regen negated and only one stat.

Since the potency was nerfed why not slightly increase the intensity scaling to make a small compensation but not as powerful as before. Although majority will still build full power anyway but it was just a thought of mine.


Explosion end lag still not gonna scale with speed though

Not the grade A solution we’re looking for I think


I think a gank squad is inevitably going to be instant death no matter how the game works

I mean, I think it would be a lot easier to pull of a 1v2 or 1v3 if my legs weren’t beaten out from beneath me to start. I get this is a difficult problem to find a “perfect” solution for, but I do think @pristine has a good point with this that shouldn’t be glossed over.

not that ive got any solutions myself unfortunately

Worst two are glass and shadow low diff. Count your blessings

shadow is not bad what are you talking about
its literally good at everything except for clash rates
it doesn’t matter if it doesnt have any synergies, because it already covers everything else (besides DoT) on its own
and even without DoT you can just pick a magic that has it as your second


yeah, I don’t think those anti-running changes are healthy for the game. they seem fine under “perfect” conditions but those will only happen so much (and might be even less if this change happens).


Forcing players to commit to a disadvantage for 1v1s with the high potential for group fights hurts the idea of natural conflict

hot take, everyone forgets retreat is a valid tactic. it is a natural part of fights and trying to remove it does more harm than good. instead of nerfing people on the basis every fight will be a 1v1, make retreat in a pronounced fight harder to choose.

(naive) Ideas

off the top of my head: why don't you make dash distance scale on HP% down to a minimum of say, 50% effective distance at 25% or so HP? this lets you run away from a fight you don't want to take *at all* (i.e; you see 3 people running at you and you **really** don't want that, so you run),

while punishing people that get into a fight and try to pull out with no consequences (got in over your head and started losing to that warlock? it’ll be harder to get away)

Issues / PoI

the points of interest I see with this are:
  • that classes with ‘innate’ mobility (crash, rushdowns, weapons) will always have an edge, which isn’t so bad IMO? their range is stubby, but weapon TP moves are a valid complaint

  • “What if both people get low?” it’ll encourage the other person to kill the other person even more since the fight is close, and both their general mobility will be shot. don’t force people to take fights. encourage them to stay in one.

  • “What about Vitality builds?” is a pretty decent point I don’t have an answer for, tbf. I anticipate the damage offsets will be enough to keep them in line with having a high average dash distance


you could also hurt other things like stamina regen and running speed if you really want people to commit to a fight once they decide to enter one.

spitball idea: make player combat tags reduce the amount of oxygen you have and prevent people from switching armor in combat. seen a bit too many people equip a diving helm mid-fight and say byebye

(this idea is made with the idea of the current changes on the doc, not the current environment of AoE stripping you of half your healthbar)

…alternatively a lazier solution is to keep this original idea and let only the hunter damage the target


Similar to my buffing intensity scaling after nerfing the auras idea…why not nerf dash distance cooldown and stamina and make agility more relevant stat (outside of calvus gear (just a better elius gear) since power, size and agility is very all-rounded…3 stats on gear while others boss drops have 2 kinda broken in the early state of the game).

Agility coule have higher scaling while nerfing no agility build dashes. But these changes would only help if calvus gear didnt have the 3 most broken stats currently. Running power and size

I guess I’ll post this here



Is this even real? O_O
What is this damage LOL