Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I’m assuming that’s bleed, shatter, full power and aura. Long set up tho

Hopefully additive damage calc and aura nerf will do something.

Another thought: Does nobody think calvus armor is overtuned with 3 (meta) stats while other have 2. Agility, power and size combo. Just elius armor with size

Yes, Calvus is just plain better than using 90% of armor. The only things that came close were cerynx and sunken but their main stat, defense is getting nerfed.

Just like defense and power shouldn’t go together, neither should power and size. Honestly power shouldn’t be let paired with anything imo.

And ultimate art blast with a greatsword shape. Pretty impractical to pull off in a real scenario but it’s a testament to crystal’s strength.

Makes 2 armor sets useless just for existing with better stats than carina and being a whole upgrade to elius

Fr. Also why is Carina the one with speed and Elius the one with agility??? Elius just camps his pillars and uses fast magic, not very agile. Carina tracks you across the continent but has no agility.

cause Carina’s attacks are quick and Elius hopping up places is the reason #general complains about him every 4 hours

honestly it’s shocking that the dmg stacking was even remotely was added or considered in the first place. but hey it’s here and i certainly wont complain, makes me care less about power and atk size (even though i’ve never used it w/ light magic because why would u thats weird outside gimmick purposes ;-; ) even more and im all for it

nah i’d chunk that up to glass and shadow atm, light has always realistically been a C to low B tier magic at best.

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make vitality boost regen :angry:

The explosion nerf is decent but i have a boxing explosion warlock and I can send dame cassenaea it what ever the name is the length of a caravel using an imbued crash with 37 intensity( like normally, it sends at most a rowboat, but the imbue makes it extremely op in knockback)


Yes, I did it!

I feel like explosion didn’t need the speed nerf, they’re focusing the entirely wrong magic with the water downfall nerfs. Why are they ignoring magma, metal, and crystal if all of those are really dominant magics?

because isn’t the result of how Metal and Magma are played due to quick explosions with ridiculous sizes?

if you nerfed the size/damage of both of those magics without looking at what actually made those magics so powerful, people would simply move on to the next magic. they’re only the most chosen magics for ridiculous sizes because they have high base size and damage. speed doesn’t matter if your enemy can’t reasonably escape or punish

because those magic forms are dominating because of pulsar

I would like to propose either a damage increase or a endlag decrease to devastate.


Heat magics often outclass cold magics due to their dot, synergies, and the greater number of heat magics.


Underwater synergies:
Applies during rain at 1/2th or 1/4th effectiveness


  • No change from the doc except earth
  • Earth applies muddy which slows players? Clears. No dmg change.

Environmental Soaked (rain, ocean):

  • Water: 0% → +10%
    -Water should be able to take advantage of this environmental effect just like other cold magics.


  • Slow Health Regen
    -More use alone.


  • Replaced with soaked when hit by heat magics

Hypothermia: Takes the place of freezing for cold temperatures (Parity with sweating)

  • Water: +15%
  • Ice: +15% (Ice had no cold temp advantage previously since it was freezing status)
  • Snow: +15%


  • Water: Clears -20% → Clears and +15%
  • Snow: Clears -10% → Clears and +15%
  • Ice: -10% → Clears and +20%
    -Thermal shock can induce shock whenever someone undergoes a rapid temperature change.

Burning, Melting, and Scorched:

  • Applies Scalded when hit by water
  • Applies Soaked when hit by ice/snow
  • Ice clears them all but keeps its negative synergies.


  • Size 1.2x → 1.25x (Remove the explosion nerfs if you do this)
    -Should be size magic, Water nerfs were already aggressive. Size scaling getting nerfed overall.


Give a separate identity to cold magics with a higher focus on direct dmg and working with the environment. Make scalded more unique from burning.


Redundant magics, weapons, and fighting styles during imbuements are useless to use together.

Proposal: Advanced Statuses like gouged

All are unclearable
Same interactions as base status unless explicitly stated.

Soaked + Soaked (Sailor, Sunken Sword, Water) = Drenched

  • Slowed?
  • Stronger synergy?
  • 10% self synergy like with environmental since no dot?
  • Higher temp decrease

Burning + Burning (fire, thermo) = Blazing

  • Higher temp increase
  • Higher DOT

Bleed + Bleed (metal, glass, iron leg, weapons) = Gouged

  • Planned

Poison + Poison (Poison Tooth Dagger, Poison) = Toxic

  • Higher DOT or half health regen

Knockback + Knockback (Boxing + Wind) = Bruised

  • Planned
  • Increase knockback instead of removing it


Give a reason to use redundant imbuements.



Pulsar benefits from low speed.


Remove the Pulse Rate setting: Pulse rate will be based on speed and the new duration setting. Lower duration = higher pulse rate. (Maybe no change with duration, instead cd change may be enough).

Travel Distance Setting: The pulsar will travel a set distance over a set time so slow magics aren’t the only ones who can gain a boost from low travel distance.

Duration Setting: Pulsar will exist for x time. Higher duration lowers travel speed and vice versa. Increases CD.

Edit: Remove pulsar impact dmg. Increase clash rate.
Make it stop being used as a better blast.


Allows Pulsar to have advantages for both slow and fast magics. Fast magic pulse faster and slow magics pulse slower with more dmg per pulse. Pulsar can be tailored to be used to zone a small area out for a time or a column.


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It would not make pulsar useless. you can shoot it behind you and still hit the guy in front of you, it’s ridiculous.

doesn’t glass bleed? that’s a valuable synergy, and shadow has high base damage iirc

So do 90% of other things in the game, bleed isn’t something exclusive for glass and when imbued onto a weapon it’s just a direct downgrade for the conjurer in question

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