Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I wonder why clips are circulating on the Internet where users of Metal and Crystal deal 1200 damage per hit, albeit in certain circumstances in a fair fight it is quite possible to one-shot a player in this way.

But at the same time, damage is reduced for magma (which damage at the peak is 800-900 units.), and not for metal.

I agree that you remove the +10% damage awakening buff, but nerfing something that doesn’t need to be nerfed is absurd, and I hope you listen to me.


how many times to we have to say this old man!!!

the issue with metal + crystal is not with the element itself but with the multipliers, modes, and speed not affecting explosion!!!

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I’m talking about this, the problem is that these two magics have too much damage, and they nerf something that does not need to be nerfed.


doesn’t magma also have 2 billion positive synergies and a strong ass dot alongside everything else

ah. i see. it makes it more clear what u were trying to say.
Magma is also the second highest damaging magic though, and since its a DOT magic nerfing its direct damage to below average instead of just average is good methinks.

50% dot, it also heats up enemies so in most relatively warm places it can induce overheating and get bonus synergy.

Same dmg and size as water

No reason to use this magic outside of a primary, even then no reason to use it as a primary.
You gain no extra damage versus people with any status effects, it is purely negatives.
Your clash values are abysmal across the board outside of gas magics (wow!). You would effectively be choosing this magic over snow or sand purely for super specific clash stats.

That’s already extremely flimsy as a basis to justify its usage whatsoever.

Its stats are alright, but it’s nothing really remarkable. There’s nothing that propels it to the point of “This magic is a better pick than X because”. Its damage is okay, its speed is okay, but as an all rounder magic? It sucks, outright. There’s really no reason to use it other than it looking cool.

At least that is MUCH better than a magic that has no reason to be used as a secondary (Glass)

3rd highest possible dmg number, no magic even 1x speed does as much impact dmg as it

4th highest speed

Highest size of any magic 1x speed and up besides water/wind

Much better than “ok” stats

Speed currently doesn’t matter a whole lot and is disadvantageous to most mage playstyles, higher it is is a general rule to the less meta it is.
Good impact damage, cool, cool, but it doesn’t apply a status effect so what’s the point if you’re just going to be dealing less damage than the majority of magics in the game? High impact damage is okay if that impact damage deals more than the status effect or possible self synergy of that status effect, but it doesn’t, so why should you or I care?
Size is a plus but that’s generally not what you’re looking for if you’re going for shadow, you’re looking for an all rounder for a non minmax build.

I think the blinding effect it has would be okay if the magic wasn’t pitch black so it could maybe throw someone off, but it’s shadow so that isn’t possible. I would genuinely just pick snow or sand over this magic since they do the same thing and then some.

I don’t know if you know this but you can do something called landing attacks. This might be wild to you but if you’re landing consistent attacks within the same timeframe as a dot Magic’s dot is shadow does significantly more.

you don’t experience the negatives at all anymore unless you’re trying to kill somebody with a gank squad

did you play magma in WoM like at all
shit sucked, so did ice

i literally NEVER notice the DoT on my magma mage unless i’m at the VERY end of a fight, and even then, you don’t do as much damage as you think you’re doing because regen is simply too fast in this game

Good argument but you’re still negating the regen over time. Magma’s greatly outweighs the regen however. That’s kinda why poison sucks, since it’s just a regen negation magic more or less.

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also eh i mean ice-glass mage would do pretty nicely wouldn’t it

there’s also the thing level said about speed (and the also pretty good size) making you be able to land more attacks in a row consistently

honestly i still think that regen should just be stopped in combat for anything that isnt a vitality build

WHO LET HIM COOK :fire::fire::fire::speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:

If I didn’t look at the comment you replied to, I would think you’re talking about glass.

Shadow isn’t bad and it sounds like you’re saying any effect outside damaging effects are useless.

Light’s only synergy is crystal and people don’t complain it needs more synergies. It has more speed, less damage and a slightly better visual status effect when stacked.

Shadow is a great solo magic and provides overall buffs when used on hybrids. The 2 shadow mages in the game probably don’t care about the synergies when you can have a stat stick then synergies on the 2nd and 3rd magic or a DoT. All your moves become black so the receiver won’t know what hits them either


look away for one second and i will FUCK the combat system