Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

the savant with 1 vitality: :nod:

163 vitality
29 weapon
29 magic
29 strength
Sailor fist
Sunken sword, hammer, club

Perfect savant

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Ya, well this isn’t wom, hazards are a lot stronger and speed means a lot less.

Personally dot just countering regen is annoying enough to me. Also hazards are pretty dangerous when fighting a magma at munera or silverhold.

Pretty bad especially if your in a team battle and your not the one getting the final hit. You would just take dmg and eventually die since you can’t regen. Giving only one playstyle passive regen will also just get a ton of complaints from every other playstyle.

Make dot stop hp regen if anything.

your own magics don’t have negative synergies with each other


ICE - glass.

Hence why I said before that glass is never used as a primary magic, because it’s simply outclassed by everything else

oh yeah, shouldnt forget about glass.
but shadow is good, the status effect reduces enemy aoe and energy gain.
plus the huge scaling of it kinda fixes it up, its very underrated tbh

also on god crystal warlock is broken, bro can build 2.1k hp with averaging 300 damage and the attack size of a warlord, he even moves super fast. probably not as broken as mage but u get the idea.

with the light buffs of self synergy it can possibly become good B-A Tier
speed will be more useful now as atk size and dmg scaling is nerfed


Water combat sucks and is impossible for many players who picked heat magics. Diving is also becoming important next update so heat magics will be left useless.


All heat magics besides magma become steam underwater.

  • Stats are close to wind but worse speed and size.
  • Gives scalded
  • No underwater size boost

Magma becomes obsidian underwater.

  • Recolor glass black
  • Platforms were abused to keep stam anyway.

All other magics including ice and snow are made able to go underwater

Dashes, airstep, magic jump, and dash skills move you in the direction of your camera.

  • 3/4th the normal distance
  • Regular dashes can still strafe
  • Need movement to dodge attacks

Stamina is no longer drained just for swimming

  • Shark spawns increased to still make it dangerous
  • Doesn’t make it just attrition until one of you runs out of stam and drowns
  • Alternatively no longer drain after awakening or with water breathing potions

Fix targeting underwater for non-projectiles if it isn’t already patched.

Reduced size overall underwater?:

  • Water pressure
  • Underwater size boosts still apply, but maybe nerfed.

Air movement and magic jumps are replenished in water


Make water combat possible and not absurdly one sided towards the slow magic pulsar that you can’t dash away from. Some players are just screwed when sharks appear since they can’t use any moves in water. Underwater synergy magics still better underwater.


Vetex should also make all cold magics not work in high tempreture, like our only example rn is sandfall isle. So Water,Ice and snow will do 75% less dmg or just vaporise when used. cause its to hot. Gives a balance, since heat based magics become completely useless and worse as the game shifts towards sea-based gameplay. And would only become worse when dark sea comes out making water/ice by default best magic due to underwater buffs.

Or isntead of nerfing cold/water-magics, make heat magics reduce in dmg instead. Full heat magic players/ thermofist players will suffer heavily in pve gameplay once dark sea comes out.

Ice and snow can’t actually be used underwater, also dark sea has islands and ships that are above water.

you said no reason to be used as a secondary though

the fact that the synergy magic can’t even be used underwater is absurd

Probably a mistype then. Similarly how I called Glass magic as ‘Bleed’ a few times in the past as well.

The thing is: It doesn’t take much for a magic to be useful as a secondary. Just have a decent synergy, status effect or something.

An example (brainfart) of a magic that has NO reason to be used as a SECONDARY, but is still really strong by itself would be Shadow. Due to having no positive synergies, there is no reason for it to be used as a secondary magic, despite being a VERY solid and strong magic just due to it’s raw stats.

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Shadow’s Drained effect does not do this. It only colorblinds.

Melting “greatly outweighing regen” is a little weird when the DPS is relatively similar to Poison right now - and it will actually become worse after the update.
Right Now: Melting has 0.04625 DPS and Poison has 0.0375 (19% weaker)
After Patch: Melting has 0.045 DPS and Poison has 0.05 (10% stronger)
Duration is not a good talking point, because Plasma has 0.072 DPS (0.08 after update) and nobody is saying it’s overpowered
Fire is in a similar situation (don’t remember Burning%)

does not change the fact it has one of the highest scalings, it may not be the best but its definitely not the worse ones

Burning: 35% over 5 seconds
Bleed: 25% over 5 seconds
Poison: 100% over 20 seconds
Corroding and melting: 50% over 10 seconds
Scorched: 27% over 3 seconds

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Something definitely needs to be done about Underwater combat. The aforementioned heat magics fizzle. So do powder magics like Sand. Fighting Styles aren’t allowed to aim anywhere but directly forwards. It’s nearly impossible to kill sharks (let alone anything else!) without using one of the very few options available.

Being weak in water is fine. But being completely powerless is just… bad.

Talking about DoT effects basing them solely on DPS isn’t exactly accurate imo. Longer and shorter DoTs have different playstyles, with different strong and weak points to it that IMO need to be taken in consideration instead of just bundling them all together as ‘dps’.

That’s just my two cents, ofc.