Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

first mistake: thinking people can hit attacks without 100 magic size + massive aoe magic

Apparently, they stopped posting the doc changes here on the forum, but Cannon Fist had some really cool changes on top of the ones it had a while ago.

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I think Shadow is a classic case of being a very strong option that does not fit the meta at all, something you frequently see in games like these that give you a lot of options. Shadow’s bigger issue is that it probably will never fit the meta, because every build involving magic gives you access to another magic, or something that can synergize with magic. Having an entire slot of magic that can’t synergize is too huge of a loss to justify using shadow.

In a build with multiple magics, shadow possesses one valuable trait and one only, that being its speed, which can be valuable in a build where all your other options are slow in order to enable versatility (for example, a Warlock using Earth and Iron Leg may consider taking Shadow on their 2nd awakening for a long-range option). Unfortunately, this one niche can also be covered by wind, plasma, or lightning, which can supply that high speed option while also directly synergizing with the slow options in question.

Shadow is strong, and doesn’t even need that many changes, it just fits a niche that nobody is looking for. The only way to change this would be to go against its core design, so unfortunately it’s just going to sit in this limbo of never being relevant to the meta.

honestly this change might sound a bit volatile but if shadow is supposed to be a thing that synergizes with nothing, has a useless status effect and its only good quality is having better stats than average, just give it a minor all-stat buff? it could fill a niche of hybrid builds looking for something that just makes them perform better methinks. currently the statline of shadow is technically above average but it doesnt exactly have enough draw to it.

To be fair, at least right now, shadow is VERY good for hybrid classes such as Conjurer and Warlock.
This will, most likely change once the second awakening arrives and hybrid classes get their second magic though. Maybe not enough to make shadow COMPLETELY obsolete, since it’s still a VERY beefy magic due to its raw stats, but it will definitely be less desirable.

Even more than it already has? I mean, it’s by far one of the strongest magics IF you take in consideration it’s raw stats. Buffing it a bit more might make it a tad bit too strong, wouldn’t it?

if its already quite strong then why dont i see more conjurers and warlocks use it? You do forget that they still get magic-based synergies off of the effects the weapons and styles they use… and for a minor stat buff i still think it currently reduces damage. I like the concept of shadow of being a kinda solo-magic useful for imbue awakenings but as it stands it only barely fits that role. buffing it just a little bit in all major categories might make it more appealing since other all around magics (fire and lightning) still have more useful effects, synergies and appealing stats.

to quote level earlier in the thread:

i stg yall sound like the people trying to say sand is the worst magic in the game because “its stats are low” (they arent)

exactly bruh, take a look at the sand conjuror guy on youtube

just because you don’t have world ending aoe or at least god tier speed doesn’t mean it’s bad

i think it might come from a misunderstanding of stat values, people check the wiki and see a decimal for a stat and think it sucks, when in reality only a few magics have a 1 (excluding size since the minimum for that is 1)

damage’s maximum possible multiplier is 1 so that’s very funny as well

there are two of them

and i’ve seen both

There are many that use it. You’re just used to seeing sheep that metamance or flock towards something like poison, fire, ice, lightning conjurer because of spam in vetcord or a video. Not saying they are bad but they’re the most common.

speaking of video, expect to see more shadow conjurers because the sand conjurer guy also likes shadow

i did ice because i had an ice guy from wom who i wanted to do good damage with and didn’t really want to make an ice-water mage (i already had my magma-fire mage)
i thought imbued moves would proc the 40% damage
they don’t
and it’d only do +20% anyway, but it’s okay, because i could just learn to use the actual ice magic like these conjurer youtubers do

im different guys trust me

The misinformation on the trello also heavily influences people’s magic choice. Not everyone is going to dig through patch notes to see where synergies were nerfed. @Maple has a magic tier list video that does help to spread the changed info

like, i guess? it just seems… underwhelming. maybe it isnt the most fun concept to use or whatnot. and for its above average stat-line it doesn’t have enough stats for me to justify it? specialized magics seem somehow more generally useful because of min-maxing n whatnot.

though can you please try and refrain from rude generalizing phrases like this? not only did i never say anything about sand but it paints me to be more rude and makes people get angry.
Its kind of hard suggesting changes to magics you’ve never used before, and im glad people explained how shadow isn’t exactly the one that needs changes the most.

i was not immune to propaganda
definitely for the better that +20%'s the cap though, if it wasn’t, i get the feeling people just sort of wouldn’t use anything other than ice conjurer

anyway speaking of imbued moves, should i even have anything imbued on an ice conjurer or is it JUST a speed and damage nerf in exchange for a little bit of size

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I think ice is +10% on bleed. I also heard imbued weapons do half damage on synergies so that would be 5%. I could be wrong if someone is more informed

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i was also a magma mage since wom but then i saw tierlists being dropped with magma in top tier and i was like
“hm. interesting.”

when i was testing a few weeks ago (so something MIGHT have changed) there was no plus sign on the damage indicator at all