Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

yeah thats something ive noticed too but with my sailor fist warlock. when imbued it doesnt give the damage bonus but does apply paralized. but with my poison conjurer it does give a damage bonus when it hits an enemy due to the bleed.

As other people have mentioned, 1x is still the MAX damage multiplier a magic can have.
Shadow has BY FAR the beefiest stats among all other magics.

The reason for people not to use it is because most people are just meta slaves and flock to metal, crystal and the other META magics.

yeah that makes sense. i dont think u can blame the metamancers that much though, if they aren’t aggro that is. its just fun to see funny big damage number lol. also metal and crystal are really cool magics i hate to see them have the reputation that they have now :(((((

P.S, I am in fact a Warlock main so this is a little biased

Am I the only one who thinks weapons are deserving of a slight nerf to range? In the range spectrum, they’re mid range, with magic being the zoners and fighting styles being the rushdowns/grapplers, doesn’t that mean that weapons shouldn’t be either nearly as massive with it’s skills dwarfing fighting styles in size, or b do as much damage as the do currently? It just feels unbalanced to me, as they literally teleport around and are more of a close-ranged class than fighting styles are. As of now, fs are literally just shot spammers with bad tradeoffs for getting close, which is what they’re supposed to do? But a warrior that isn’t even running max power, can go at literally any range they’d like, and spam skills because weapons are just that good. In a world where mages weren’t broken to start with, weapon classes, excluding knight as it’s just warrior with more hp right now would definetly be the meta, and will be as soon as mages fall off. Shouldn’t we be thinking in the future, trying to balance everything and not just blaming metal + acid mages for all of your gripes with pvp. I’m not even a mage myself, and I feel sorry for them. At least warrior is getting a small nerf to it’s awakening, those skill sizes are outrageous.
The change I propose is, along with everything currently in the balance document, weapon skills should also have the range on them nerfed by 10%, but also give them better scaling with attack size, so you actually have to invest a decent amount into it to have that much range. Am I the only one that’s noticed how popular Warrior, Conjurer, and Warlord are right now? I’d say that at least 45% of the community is running weapons, with maybe 20% running mage. Just because mage is comparatively nuts doesn’t mean nothing else should be nerfed as well.
TLDR: Weapons are way too good for their range, nerf them too


i have a berserker and i’m quite biased

why are weapons sometimes better at close range than the dedicated close range class
they beat your ASS if you try to m1 trade them (you’re not gonna m1 trade at any point in the game but shh)
they have some damn good moves, one of them being a full 3-4 seconds of iframes (beast instinct, you already know that shreds at close range) while a berserker could probably die while frantically doing a rushdown, smash, and crash against a mage at point blank


beast instinct isn’t iframes, you just move around a lot


well i’m pretty sure that a mage could still do better with an ultimate art explosion than a berserker doing a smash against a guy in beast instinct

I think iron leg and sailor fist slam smashes can reach beast instinct, that’s about it though

imbuements help a lot for that specific matchup

for people talking about water combat:

there is quite literally 0 reason to change it, you aren’t forced into it in 99% of cases and its not the normal setting for fights, you picked your magic fully knowing it wouldn’t work in water so you shouldn’t be trying to fight there anyway

I wonder what the main content of the next update is supposed to be. Perhaps it’s fully underwater content with sharks who you need to kill?


when you’re bounty hunting and your target dashes into the ocean:

so am i just not supposed to try and avoid attacks when i’m on a pirate ship or something
i don’t care how you put it, eliminating practically half of the magics when you’re underwater is bad game design

and there’s another thing:
not everyone playing the game played WoM, they don’t know that their magics are gonna be deleted in the water


speaking of shark hunting, the sailor style quest tells you to kill 3 sharks or sea monsters either on your own or with your boat
this implies that in the potions update vetex expects you to go shark hunting with your own boat if you’re using fire as a mage or something
the problem:
those bitches MOVE how the hell am i supposed to hit them when my boat doesn’t turn that fast and when they can just go under the damn boat

I’m just saying for the future, Vetex should give everyone an item that will allow not only to change the build, but also magic, because after nerf, some magics can simply become garbage.

bruh, why did i reply to this guy

there shouldn’t be any item to change your magic ever
if somebody’s desperate to change one of the core aspects of ther build, the delete save button’s right there.
it doesn’t take too long to get back to max level and complete the storyline as of now, either

Planned. Harder to get than stat resets. Likely, not for a while.

Thats actually a reason he didn’t want to do magic resets. He didn’t want people to hop magics just to switch to the next meta magic.

making it harder to get than stat resets is NOT gonna stop the playerbase from dealing with the probably tedious as shit process to get it

it just shouldn’t be added
(that, and if they make it TOO challenging to get, people will just straight up delete their saves)

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The thing is weapon and fighting style can already be changed with relative ease compared to being not changeable at all.