Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

its not that hard to assume which magics don’t work underwater when you pick it, the only one that genuinely might surprise someone with that is magma, but even then it isn’t that hard to tell at first

as for the first point, it is not at all difficult to dodge pirate attacks while on their ship or your own

i would also like to add, literally the only class truly ruined by this is paladin or potentially mage

conjurers can use weapons
warlocks can use fighting styles
mages can use their 2nd magic (unless you pick a 2nd that won’t work underwater but thats on you)
paladin is screwed, but its barely picked right now and spirit weapons will fix it.

anyway im not gonna post anymore on this matter, you make a choice picking a magic that won’t work in water most likely knowing you won’t be able to use it and thats that

oh i forgot about that

i still think it’s stupid that strength builds need to have a full-on awakening triggered by the death of king calvus and poseidon himself for the sole purpose of gaining the mental capacity to use their hands and legs a bit differently though

Until you realize snow, sand, and ice don’t work underwater. Water is an essential part of the game. Locking out half of the magics from being able to engage in that part due to enemies they can’t fight is not a good thing. If you check the Trello this next update is nearly, entirely diving-based.

okay, now think about this, but instead of some wackass pirate with an autogenerated build, it’s a metal mage with a full calvus set and you’re a magma/fire/plasma/sand/ice/snow mage and your entire area to fight in is One Ketch
then it becomes a DPS race or “go into the water and disable every move that isn’t leap (which you can only use once when climbing/swimming btw), and also your opponent can still use every single one of their moves”

you’re right but also FUCK magma-acid, i’m going magma-fire the way god intended
i don’t care if ice is typically less dense than water, that should 100% be able to travel through it, it’s MAGIC

“i ran out of defenses for a bad feature, i’ve gotta get out of here!”

The sum of this feature is, “it worked in WOM, doesn’t work in AO.”

you notice a lot more differences between WoM and AO than i do

speaking of changes from WoM to AO:

what actually caused speed to lose its meaning? was magic size just unrealized in WoM’s meta due to the only real good armor it was on being the sunken set (where we now have calvus armor, much easier to get and also gives power), was magic size buffed directly, or was it both?

pulsars and island-wide explosions

im just not gonna mindlessly argue something in the funny lego pirate game for an hour

yeah i should’ve seen that coming
i’m more curious about how magic size blew up like it did though

eh that’s fair

also i forgot a few of the magics that don’t work underwater and didn’t realize how many there were. yeah something needs to be changed but i don’t think they all need to work underwater.

yeah seeing fire just glide underwater would be weird

Tiers and shapes. All stats being buffed besides power and defense. all multipliers multiplying together. More multipliers. Some moves just being bugged and not affected by speed.

heres what i think:
give magma, sand, and snow the ability to fire something in water and keep plasma, ice, and fire as is. (maybe not ice but idk)

i mean i can kind of get WHY ice isn’t allowed in because of its synergy with soaked, but then…

APerson made a pretty good suggestion for how it could be handled here earlier today

makes more sense for lightning to work underwater than ice but yea i still don‘t really now

(also gonna be selling cargo for a bit so i’ll return here later)

The anti-run System will really speed up clan’s farming people for fame process,
imagine u hit someone with 1 ability and stay far on purpose to completely delete his stamina,
while hes almost literally unable to move, several of your clanmates goes to test his defences with full damage mage/warrior/conjurers,
might not work out for the guy since some of the defence items are getting nerfed tho.

water physics preventing you from aiming crash, rushdowns, every weapon grab, sword draw flash strike, sword draw mirrored river, and ethereal flash at any vertical angle:
(oh and slam smashes being useless)


You underestimated me. I didn’t even consider ocean combat as a factor when picking magic, I just thought it’d be cool. I just would normally assume magic would work underwater, because that’s more intuitive to me.

(Yes, I do not think, and I have lack of smart. I do understand that most people would likely think about it more than I would though, so I find this statement reasonable.)

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