Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

I’m guessing this status effect will just be a DoT like burning/corroding? I’m planning on resetting my wind-ash mage to become a wind-water mage for it, since now that looks like the best synergy wind gets with anything. I’ll have a water conj and a wind-water mage afterwards but I think water is the best possible choice for corrina’s second magic now.

Are there any plans to buff shockwave smash, or rework it in any way? I saw the cannonfist change but I cannot see myself or anyone else using shockwave smash regardless of that new interaction. It’s extremely minor, and the move often ends up dealing much less damage than any other option you could use in close quarters (like rushdown or crash).

Correct me if I’m wrong, but 10% to bleed would be a buff to bleed and not glass itself.

There is already a lot of stuff that applies bleed. Buffing it could cause some funky Mets shifts happen, as you mentioned.

Besides, glass would still remain forgotten and unused.

Even with the 10% buffing bleed (for everything), glass would still be just a worse Acid, which not only synergizes with bleed but can have both bleed and corrosion going on at the same time.
It would also not change the fact that glass conjurers just get a nerf across the board from imbuing their weapons.

Ultimate art explosion nerfed? 45%>30% I don’t get this nerf, the entire size calculation already changed the maximum ammount of size you can get. Will only make it slightly better explosion isntead of ultimate art. Changes kept piling and being added, when there is already so many changes that hasn’t been added and felt.

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Hey what if parrying gave a small stackable hp regen boost for 2 seconds or so, only once per attack ofc
This change could deter people from almost always dodging and instead make them want to focus more on blocking and learning to time parries

none of those besides glass and maybe light are underpowered

It would make glass do 7.25% more dmg and 10% more size

Acid would do 4.8% more dmg while applying bleed and corroding

I don’t think you did the math but this makes glass and acid relatively even on conj

Note: status effects are not going to be dependent on impact


Kid I use glass with crystal right now and with it’s bleeding effect I was able to do over 1000 damage with it. I picked glass specifically so that way I’d have a faster magic and I’d have a magic that works with my main one.

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Is the 10% buff multiplicative then?

Also, this buff would also mean metal would get even stronger though, right? Since it’s buffing bleed and not glass itself.

Two words: Crystal. Mage.

It is, also if it was additive, you do realize it would be a greater buff of 7.5% right?

21% dmg increase
10% size increase
-25% speed decrease(this is huge since it’s also gonna effect endlag)

Huge thing I don’t think many people know, bleed magics when imbued add 5 ticks of bleed over a shorter period of time than normal

Ex: Musket deals 1 tick of bleed unimbued

Imbued with wood/glass/metal it deals 6 ticks of bleed over 2 seconds

And not all weapon attacks bleed by default

I was assuming the 10% buff would only be for impact damage. From 0.875x to 0.975x.
And even though, Acid DoT stll deals more than double the damage Bleed does (0.43875x) If you put all that together, counting with synergies & etc. Glass would still fall behind.

For metal? Nothing was mentioned regarding size buff and speed nerf for metal though, was it? Or did I miss something on the balancing doc?

Wait, really? I never noticed. Those would essentially be 5 additional ticks of bleed then when compared to unimbued then? Essentially just free bleed ticks?

Fluect wasn’t taking about the +.1x addition, he was referring to duped status effects making the weapon do 10% more

From .875 to .975 and then to 1.0725

Not really, let’s use musket as a baseline

Currently, musket with glass infusion does 6 ticks of bleed over 5 seconds

Acid with musket infusion does 1 tick of bleed 10 ticks of melting over 10 s

Even rn the glass infusion bleed has a massive increase in dps and is making me think you haven’t really experimented with glass conj. If you’re standing still for 10s and not attacking back then acid does slightly more even though that’s entirely your fault for unoptimal play.

It’s referring to the conj buffs, 1 → 1.1; 1.1 ->1.21 with the duped status 10% dmg increase. Also meant 20% size increase (conj gets the size increase from imbuement)

Honestly should probably tone it down to +7.5%(same as acid infusion)

It is losing the inherent size buff from imbuement though. Size will only be buffed by imbuement scaling, if i remember correctly.

I might not have noticed the additional bleed ticks glass imbuement deals, but regardless, to say it has a ‘massive dps’ when compared to other magics seems quite an overstatement, considering it’s total dps is still lower when compared to other DoT magics if you take in consideration synergies & etc. Especially for magics that deal a DoT of their own and synergize with bleed.

Ya metal is 1.2x size

It does, it’s just very hard to notice when you’re not using heavy single hit attacks like musket, greenwish cultist, or poison dagger

Also encourages glass canon play-style which I think is nice because it is glass

Acid currently does 7.5% more dmg on bleed, I think glass should match this with duped imbuement and it’s fine

As a poison conjuror I can confirm this is true for both; ultimately the viability of DOT builds depends on how much initial burst damage you can do in a single hit, and in that regard you can (probably) scrape like 500 damage per hit this way

Personally, I run a poison build with the potential to deal 800 in a single musket shot thanks to DOT, but ultimately it’s super dependent on the first hit to be the intial DPS. It’s quite a cheesy build, in that respect; whereas bleed lasts a fraction of the time (and with glass) can do similar DPS because you can proc it more often.
Because of this, I like to think of glass and fire as lower risk-reward versions of acid and magma, and those two lower risk-reward versions of poison.

Nvm bleed magics actually turn all weapons to 5 ticks not 6, miscounted (they’re not 5 ticks by default)

Keep it 10% dmg increase

At least it proves somebody in the entire war seas is indeed using glass magic in some form. I know it’s powerful right now but it’ll eventually fall out of grace.

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