Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Magic doesn’t need AoE to zone.

Blasts are the mainstay of a Mage’s kit, and do an excellent job at zoning with proper aim and predictions due to their solid damage, unpredictability, airstall potential and their property as projectiles, forcing awareness and smart mobility to outmaneuver. They don’t need AoE to work, 20% Blasts are amazing as it stands.

Explosions are a self-defense tool, not a zoning tool. You shouldn’t be scared to go anywhere near a Mage out of fear of getting nuked by an 800+ damage Explosion that covers all of Whitesummit. They should be a retaliatory option for situations where you don’t have time to aim a blast, or to cover the tail end of a damage trade. They should not be considered part of the Zoner identity, and the only reason they scare people away from engaging the way they do now is because of their absurd size and unfair damage. When the AoE of Explosions are reigned in, it will return to this role comfortably, and provide a far more fair experience overall.

Mages are unapproachable for many classes as it stands due to the size of Explosions and the current state of Pulsar, when they instead should be the ones fearing the approach of their opponent, keeping them at arm’s length and using wit, finesse, and accuracy to win fights.

Water does not need a size buff, especially not in the ocean. Its size is unfair right now, and it’ll hold up perfectly fine after v1.12.


Amen. Glass DESPERATELY needs some love.

Why is zoning supposed to be unpredictable. The zoning I’ve seen in other games is meant to keep people out of an area cause they know it’s dangerous. Only magics I see actually zoning are magics with hazards rn. A 20% blast isn’t zoning it’s just an offensive move.

Pulsar is the only move that does the job of zoning. But they gave it way too much dmg and made it way too dependent on speed for travel distance. It’s aoe is also too big, but it should still be decent size.

If you need Munera-sized Explosions and thoughtless Blasts to zone, after v1.12 you have two options. Either you improve, or you devote your build to it. I think that’s fair.

I’m fine with the big explosions and stuff. If they actually had proper indication or dmg that makes sense for their size.

I’m fine with .9 dmg on water for 1.25 size

What 0 Attack Size Explosions are right now should only be reachable with Destruction Aura and at least 100+ Attack Size, and that’s being generous.

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Don’t worry they can just wear Calvus and keep dmg and size. Calvus truly is a miracle…in how it ever got released.

That we can agree on

Just don’t feel like Water needs the Size buff at all. It’s already incredibly solid in the meta, can cause two incredibly frustrating status effects (soon to be three with Petrify), has insane Size for its decent speed, and has good damage throughout all of it. It doesn’t need 1.25x Size as it’s the only magic aside from Acid with an environmental catalyst, that being the ocean. It’s fine as is, and is going to stay cleanly in A-tier even after v1.12.

For this point. Ya stuns are annoying, I don’t personally use them, however I am extremely confused why people don’t just use explosion and heat magics since their synergies with petrified are higher. Maybe it’s just cause you can get soaked from sailor and sunken.

Personally I just want water to be strong in the environment. Idrc about the stats, all my builds are water even when it makes no sense like using water sailor.

Your only options to Petrify with Explosion are Ash, Plasma, and Fire. Ash is a very cheesy magic, Plasma isn’t to a lot of people’s taste due to the lower damage for a mediocre speed increase, and Fire is just plain bad. A lot of people are more comfortable with Snow or Ice due to their more average overall stats, with Snow being in a pretty solid spot right now and Ice soon receiving a damage buff.

Don’t forget agility, when all other options fail. Elius armor but better


1 Calvus accessory but it helps for 3 stats. Mainly the problematic power and size while other boss drops don’t have such a cancerous combination


I mean agility from calvus alone isn’t really doing all that much just sayin

I do think it shouldn’t give as much power as the sorcerer set though

the agility is enough to be impossible to be caught while running unless the opponent has more

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Don’t say only when it is lore varied than applying frozen even if by one more magic. Both plasma and fire are being buffed and synergies with petrified. The only magic that synergies with frozen however is ice. Petrified can synergy with explosion, fire, or plasma. Petrified is just overall stronger if only by a little bit due to its synergies.

jesus christ, you’re right
this guy doesn’t even use his lightning until later in the video
(i also suddenly want to make a build with water magic in it)

…i also want to learn how to HIT MY DAMN SHOTS LIKE HE DOES


if you couldn’t tell, i desperately want to get better at this game so that i don’t panic and die the moment i get bounty hunted/assassinated

also because it looks fun

It’s just practice. Your not gonna get better unless you just fight people. Grab a neutral alt, don’t grab bounties, and just fight.