Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

so i go undercover as a deepwoken player
i don’t know how to feel about that

i’m also aware that it’s a matter of practice, trial and error, but i’m still determined to see if there’s anything for me to learn from videos, even if there’s not much

you are not going to learn anything from a video of an aoehead spamming explosions I promise you



Playing as an AoEhead will not help you either.

my magma mage has two settings:

  1. metamancer
  2. can’t-hit-shit fireballs

i should practice using the second setting

What does Frostbite do exactly?

Bro he missed all his damn shots what are you waffling

presuming it was a status in the game during testing, I’d have to assume that it’s like AA soak

what was AA soak exactly like?

10% decrease to movement speed, t jump height and dash distance (when dashes were added)

I’m just spitballing though you’d have to ask a tester

you still can use fire pulsar underwater while fs can’t even smash in water

nah that did not exist

i always assumed that frostbite is what happens when you hit a bleeding person with ice/water

frostbite was a supposed status that wind would have inflicted with cold magic but got removed because vetex took like 5 days and still couldn’t make it

are you talking about Frostbite or AA soak

aa soak that shit did none of the crap you’re making up

I keep forgetting ur a troll

soak did NOTHING that affected you, soak affected the damage of a few magic forms.

that’s all it did, none of this weird overpowered as fuck shit you’re describing. Water was a mid magic that was morso used as a combo with lightning for the damage bonus

I would know because I actually fucking used water magic for some time in old AA

soak reduced movement speed by 10%, reduced t jump and normal jump height by 10%, reduced dash distance by 10%, increased damage from Lightning and Shocked by 2x (later nerfed to 1.25x), and put out Burn

this is all well catalogued throughout AA and AR

was in top bounties multiple times on my water alt I think I have a bit more experience on the subject :+1:

this is the greatest capping I’ve ever seen, and someone who caps this much was not top bounty

the damage ones are close enough but soak did not affect movement at ALL