Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

soak speed decrease was most certainly a thing , but obviously nothing I say is ever going to convince you

the damage ones are exact :+1:

again, no, the fuck soaked did not affect movement at all, what are you tripping on

the mobility lowering of soak is absolutely a thing, i mained water in the bit of time i played AA and the entire time i’ve played AR
(500 or so hours total in both)

Pretty sura aa magics just had dot or more dmg, no statuses really.

water did not lower mobility, it wouldn’t be almost unused if it did

its almost unused because nearly every other magic is better (for AR at least, i know nothing about how aa pvp was)

again, soaked never did any of the shit either of you are talking about. I feel like it would be severely noticable if suddenly I moved slower after getting out of water

the reason water was “almost unused” was for the same reason as earth and light, because kids didn’t think it was as cool as the rest of the roster, hence the insane amount of lightning/fire lightning/shadow fire/shadow users

among the competent playerbase lightning/water was the singular most popular combo in all of AA

shadow post-nerf wasn’t really that insane for the rest of AA and it was still a stupidly popular choice lol, visuals >>> efficiency back then

it’s 10%, not very noticeable unless you’re looking for it

lightning water was used for damage, not for a nonexistant mobility change

made landing lightning’s q even easier, it was most certainly taken into consideration

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wasn’t it a dot

Just wondering how 1x size magics would be after the update. I use one as my second magic so the tier is lower for now. They’re already small and size calc change and shape nerf will make them smaller. Although they’re small, most have speed.

Plasma (1.2 speed) just slightly faster than fire (1.0), a little too slow for the lacking size and 2nd lowest impact damage. Plasma status is getting +3% damage and soaked synergy. Fire is getting a size (1.05-> 1.1) and soaked buff though to be slightly more average. Maybe plasma could have more speed or size to be buffed along with fire.

Lightning (1.5)
Light (1.8) These 2 are getting damage buffs.

Acid (1.0) has good DoT, hazards, damage and synergy. In a good state

Not saying to buff the size since size is the initial problem but smaller magics get a little smaller because of the calc change. Plasma being the most average out of the bunch.

Also does anyone know how much size or atk speed stat you need to make a 0.1 change. Eg how much atk speed stats for wind 1.4 to match lightning 1.5. Is it linear?

Well we know it’s a big enough nerf to cause earth to no longer receive a size nerf.

Yeah but the earth size nerf was 1.3 to 1.25 size :fr:
Hopefully future balance changes come more often for updated community feedback

Can anyone tell me why is crystal getting nerfed?

I’m pretty sure its something along the lines of:


But what about non mages? Like conjurers

The iron leg warlocks in question.

Also to hit that 1000 dmg, every hit needs to hit and it’s very situational and most likely won’t happen

They do only about 200 per hit which matches most people’s dmg output tho…