Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

Also didn’t they ask them to stand still for the setup?

Full power build might do 400+ per hit? All FS are being buffed as well. Might be changed to only shatter at 3 stacks

Thank god for power scaling nerf and crystallized rework

Literally the only reason you would use crystal is because of its unique gimmick

have you heard of actual fucking skill

They did, but the issue here is that crystal can do that much damage this early into the game.

Crystal magic is slow so it would take skill to aim and predict it, with the explosion and pulsar rework it’s harder to get hits on people

the beam in question:

(skill issue bruh)

Personally. I think we should just remove all of waters synergies besides synergies with the environment. Nerf it’s dmg, buff it’s size. Finnally add an ocean/water spirit, so there can be water magic, sailor fist, sunken sword, and ocean/water spirit savant.

hammer placed explosion:

The slow solid magic beams will hit but how will you hit the high powered explosion spell in question

calvus armor, full power size build, ultimate art self explosion in question:

Making a beam always hit you have to reduce its size to make it quicker unless you are using an attack speed build in which case you are still losing dmg

Metalmancer pulsar in question

I would prefer nerfs to crystal’s synergies over a direct nerf to itself since it would absolutely gut the power of its hybrids. If I knew how it’s even able to reach +1000 damage I could try to provide better insight.

I love how much my image is flying around the forums.

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@Fluect what could water sacrifice to get a size buff to 1.25 or 1.3.

If my math is correct, the original damage should be 695. Crystallise +35% would be 938 damage. The 10% bleed synergy to make it 1008 damage isn’t that significant compared to the multiplicative power calc and crystallise. But thats imo

I agree crystal should have less synergies but instead it’s better as a solo magic

Are you really about to discuss making a sacrifice for all water users without consulting any other water users?
thats like,
not very cash money of you.