Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

i’d be more worried about the massive blunt object hurling towards my head than getting a few scrapes

give me .10 so its bigger than water and u can do whatever u want to water underwater. (We can’t even use ice underwater)

Nah how bout this. Water gets nerfed to .9 dmg and gets 1.25 size. Ice gets 1.275 size but it’s speed gets nerfed. Water gets 1.5x underwater buff

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Lose the stun and we can make it happen.

it’s already 0.8

Ya and earth is .5 with 1.3 size and 1.0 dmg

Why u gotta ruin such a perfect idea :sob:

Nah y’all’s stun keeps holding back the cold magics cause no one realizes petrified exist and is stronger than frozen.

If we can agree there’s already an objectively better stun magic than ice, the magic that revolves around setting up stuns, why not just give cold magics the buffs they deserves by buffing ice

Why not give cold magics what they deserve by buffing water and it’s synergies and environmental synergies to make up for the lack of a dot.

What about them

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Simple solution is giving water 2x dmg underwater and 5x dmg when imbueing onto a another soaked status applier

It’s not really that slow, and it has good size.

For the damage that you get from the pop, 4 is generously low.

10 seconds, and resets on every single new stack added. If you can’t consistently land at least one hit per 10 seconds, that’s rough.

People can aim, as well. :+1:

A few simple 10% / 15% synergies on other magics, as well as many other magics having synergies with Crystallization. There are magics with far worse synergies.

What you have with the current state of Crystal is a magic with ludicrous damage, easy AoE, decent interactions and manageable speed. Nerfing the status to a 25% bonus so that you don’t get nuked for having dared to get hit 4 times really is not that big of a deal.

35% is going to inherently do a lot more when its applied to an already large number. Straight nerfing the Crystallized status would not solve this issue. When you continously stack percentages it will scale to a much larger number then it should.

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Dmg is alraedy having the formula changed to be additive instead of multiplicative. Same with size.

Fine I see your point but then what about them removing the gimmick upon unlocking a second magic?

does this not make crystal a liability to have then?

reducing crystallized’s percentage is going to do little once the average damage for max builds becomes higher. id argue you should nerf duration/hits to shatter.

(when u get a second magic with crystal, its unique gimmick becomes non-existent)
(would probably need to be higher otherwise it’s still useless)

They only shatter it early and do +20% damage. The gimmick is still there, just harder to activate if you switch between magics a lot. The current change in the doc is saying to have it stack 3 times and shatter to be the same as crystal