Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

No! Instead of 9% over 3 seconds its now 10% over 3 seconds. Incredible.

The 0.8 damage and slightly above average speed with low size are also problems. Damage could be justified because of DoT but still low size and ok speed

I think you replied to the wrong comment, But there really isnā€™t any reason to go plasma, when shadow/light is much better in every way. Especially shadow, .1 faster, .15x bigger and MORE dmg after scorch dot is calculated. I already shown that dot cannot justify DOT, because Realistically its getting like 5-10% per second.

Plasmaā€™s lacking in every stat imo

That scalded mainly benefits the heat magics doe, we donā€™t synergize with that. And in my situation where I usually fight in a team it will just be negative synergy to my magic that I canā€™t clear

Why I wanted to do this to buff cold synergies overall with making scalded not just burn that canā€™t be cleared by water.

Environmental Soaked (rain, ocean):

  • Water: 0% ā†’ +10%
    -Water should be able to take advantage of this environmental effect just like other cold magics.


  • Replaced with soaked when hit by heat magics

Hypothermia: Takes the place of freezing for cold temperatures (Parity with sweating)

  • Water: +15%
  • Ice: +15% (Ice had no cold temp advantage previously since it was freezing status)
  • Snow: +15%
  • Wind: +10%


  • Water: Clears -20% ā†’ Clears and +15%
  • Snow: Clears -10% ā†’ Clears and +15%
  • Ice: -10% ā†’ Clears and +20%
    -Thermal shock can induce shock whenever someone undergoes a rapid temperature change. Extra paralysis would be too op.

Burning, Melting, and Scorched:

  • Applies Scalded when hit by water
  • Applies Soaked when hit by ice/snow
  • Ice clears them all but keeps its negative synergies.
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Glass might not be a ā€˜lostā€™ magic, but itā€™s definitely ā€˜forgottenā€™ LOL

Glassā€™s only purpose is so Julian can exist :smiling_face_with_tear:

I love water and hate how common it is to get soaked. When I canā€™t synergize with environment. But glass is way worse, replaced by 5 different magics in its own build. Also replaced by the entirety of the weapon build.


oh yeah!

can you guys make thermo fist and sailorā€™s fistā€™s focus techniques not scale with heat/seawater?

in case youā€™re wondering what I mean: casting a speed focus spell at 0% heat, even if you build your heat to max afterwards, is very noticeably slower than using focus at max heat then attacking.

I understand not wanting the bars to always be full but could we at least get consistent focus spells


God i love these new balances


You missed the explosion changes. I assume a tester is trolling and forgot to undo :melting_face:

Ultimate explosion +120% size nice

is this an april fools change?
i cant tell because they said weapon throws dont deal that much damage (poison dagger q is the most damaging weapon move in the entire game by far)

Seems like it

Finally, this is a change Iā€™ve been wanting to happen for a while so Iā€™m glad that itā€™s being put on the table as a possible fix for magma magic. As a concept itā€™s a pretty uninteresting magic, and in practice it was just executed horribly. Removing magma magic is definitely a net positive for the future of AO.


Compared to magic. And pdagger is only that damaging because it inflicts Poisoned.

Was also on doc before throws caught popularity so thatā€™s part of it.

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damnā€¦ looks like iā€™ve gotta put the magma away after all those years of being bad at WOMā€¦
i guessā€¦ i guess my only option here is toā€¦
Start running paper.


oh, shit, is this one real, too? i remember a big damage nerf but i donā€™t remember it being like that


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rest in peace sweet/sourspots
unless it was actually partially implemented like it says here but thereā€™s no way this isnā€™t part of the april fools prank lol, warriors would be eating good with that 400+ damage

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Dam another weapon throw