Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

i saw fluect talking here and and you gave a better criticism than i did but i also want to see what he’d say about it
are we allowed to mention testers for stuff like this or nah

I think they’re already reading this anyhow so it’d be a bit lame to mention them

you’re right, they’re typing right now

No this is a fascist regime you are not allowed to mention people with a different name colour


@Fluect how could I balance a jellyfish shield suggestion for crafting. I was thinking poor block stats but higher attack size and lightning like effects

paralyze on parry :smiling_imp:

I said how to balance it not unbalance it



on a more serious note, do you and other testers know how the stat affinities/multipliers/whateverthey’recalled actually work? like, why is the highest damage for magics 1x meanwhile the highest speed for them is 1.8x, while 1x speed is the most common speed on magics? (this phrasing might be weird but its hard for me to put this into words without redirecting you to another topic which would feel weird)

Ok I’m just gonna give it lightning like effects and justify it with magic pollution and ptd alraedy existing

I love magic pollution. Easy catch all for unrealistic things

confused on what this means

I had no idea cold magics are now creating scalds… why? Some odd attempt to make everything synergize with everything for “equality”? At this point you may as well make every magic benefit off a DoT, lmfao. Instead of giving a temperature it’s own identity you make them “basically heat magics but cold reskins”. Believe it or not, it’s possible to have a general identity in a game with 20 elements.

Why? Genuinely what the fuck is the purpose of a cold magic then? Heat is for damage, cold is for hindering. Having both should not benefit you more than sticking to one temperature. Water should be the middle ground for these temperatures. You have about what, ~10 elements that relate to temperature? The hold-off on this is stupid.

Sorry if this reads as attacking you, just genuinely confused on what the team wants the fate of cold/hot synergies to be

Meant debuffing

it’s a universal standard

as in 1x would probably mean that part of damage calculations is unchanged

basically every stat is a multiplier of this

Thanos idk gif that failed to embed

I had suggested it for parity, but meant for it to actually buff cold magics instead of just applying scald. I guess they didn’t get that.

It’s because the speed affinities were based around projectile speeds, and having projectile speeds vary from 1.8 to 0.5 isn’t very crazy.

The effectiveness is halved for the vast majority of spells though since having that big of a speed-disparity literally only works out well on blasts.

Me as a glass user:


I mean consider the fact that there are games that already do that.

For me, the speed makes sense and is nice. You have a good variation to show the difference between magics.
For damage, it’s just… weird. The HIGHEST that’s shown is 1x. Everything is lower than that. The actual most common thing seen is, like, 0.925x, so it might throw people off if they’re trying to see the actual difference. It’s the same with size, I’m pretty sure that most of the magics have a size of above 1x.

note: i’m not saying “buff the damage of all magics”, that’s horrible

I kinda wanted to make cold have higher direct dmg and synergies than hot since hot had dot which basically gives +5-7% minimum dmg boost