Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

@Fluect He’s got a bit of a point here. Looking at the way the build system works right now, classes like conjurer are almost actively hurt by imbuing weapons with magics due to the way the multiplier works. Now the most effective way for this to be changed would be to re-do the equations, that way metal would be like 1.1 and light would be like .9. Or the average damage multiplier becomes the new 1x. The problem with this is remaking the damage equation to work like that. But it would fix the problem with imbuements; as of right now, imbuing with anything that doesn’t have a bleed synergy actively hurts damage, and the game is pretty much built around damage and size. Problem is speed actually matters with conjurers due to the lack of hitscan or placed explosion attacks, so imbuing with metal might not hurt your damage, but it ups the size just a little to eviscerate your speed. You beginning to see what i’m getting at?

That’s probably because with the damage scaling system Vetex has you’d have to make it pretty arbitrary (from the math perspective) for 1x to be the average. You’d have to add a downscale in damage/level-scaling in order to keep things the same, rather than having a formula as simple as (Level + 19) × Affinity for the first two spells, and just halving it on beams.

Would probably be better for the user perspective if the average was 1x tho

yeah it definitely would be a little difficult to implement, but it could definitely solve problems down the line.

Beam range should not scale off of magic speed, it’s completely rediculous how slow magics (like magma) basically just get a placed explosion with less aoe and similar damage while normal magics can just get a free punish for whenever somone is standing still, all beams should have the same range so it’s actually viable on slow magics

slow magics do not need a buff right now.

Vetex made it very early on, stuck with it, and now it’s not worth it to change. I’m gonna be honest, I forgot that the affinity is actually a factor in things aside from a visual representation.

Out of curiosity, how does the power stat factor into this equation? and is the magic damage multiplier the “affinity”?

Redo dmg equation to make 1x baseline average. Nerf base dmg to adjust and make blast dmg not change.

Power stat is 1 x affinity per power

That’s already being done by just adding 0.1 to the multipliier when imbuing (this is how it works with Warlock).

Which is why it’s being buffed, but you can’t lie “ups size just a little” is a bit of a mischaracterization. It’s a pretty huge increase

Goes inot the brackets.


Fair, being a lightning conjurer makes it hard to gauge how large magics affect weapon imbuements. But tbf i feel like just “adding .1” could cause some problems down the line once hybrid builds become more viable.

Not sure what you mean here. Does it just do the equivalent of “adding” to your level? So you’d add 25 to your level if you had 25 power?

(Level + 19 + Power)


Slow magic conjurers desperately need buffs, they have less range, less speed, less damage, and more endlag than literally every other build. They have nothing going for them that other builds can’t do better and the jack of all trades class doesn’t mean anything especially when they’re outclassed at everything. The next update doesn’t fix theses problems at all, size is getting nerfed so slow magics have even less to rely on, their speed is still horrible and let’s not forget magma is getting a damage nerf too nerfing magma conjurers even more (even though they’re quite literally the worst possible conjurer build rn). The fact that all of magma’s passives and why it’s so good as a mage magic doesn’t transfer to conjurer at all, you don’t have puddles or clash rates (due to weapons auto winning clashes), all you’re left with is mediocre damage and a 20% speed nerf (and some weapons still fully are affected by speed making them worse than placed explosions). Literally this game just rewards fast magic conjurers while ignoring the slow magic conjurers that are just jokes that even a level 80 savant could beat with their eyes closed.

Got it… definitely a bit of a predicament, unless the “adding .1” solution ends up working long term. Give me a minute.

at this point, may as well embrace this idea entirely since the cold magic scald changes seem to want to say “mix and match anything regardless of nature; it’ll work! (corroded buffs ice? lol.)”

Otherwise, imo, if cold magics and heat magics are meant to be relevant groups of magic, and any logical effects like mobility hindrance seem to be out of the question, may as well just give them something like Frostbite, considering how awful Frozen is right now (and I remember seeing someone say cold magic temperature synergy is bugged.)

Every conjurer needs a buff. not just slow magics. And crystal conjurer is actually the best one rn, fun fact. They’re all getting a buff rn, that’s sorta what we’re talking about.

my ice conjurer’s only imbuement upside is size
that’s it
its slower and less damaging, and the bleed synergy genuinely does not work with imbued weapons (god i hope this that bug they talked about in the doc)