Arcane Odyssey v1.13 Balancing Changes WIP

conjurers getting secondary effects (wind knockback, ash clouds, etc) would be a neat buff. i heard that this is already planned but i wanna bring it up again because its relevant.
should also apply to warlocks as well, cause why not

It’s not bugged, it’s just that it doesn’t have a seperate effect like sweating, it uses freezing instead. This means snow has 20% buff water has 10% and ice has 0% (heat magics are also nerfed unlike sweating not nerfing cold magics). It was a stupid solution for cold temps.

Does anyone happen to have a spreadsheet with all current (pre rebalance) magic stats?

the fanmade wiki might work for now, but i doubt it’s fully updated to the current version since the game’s only been out for like a month and a week

Wiki should be updated apart from the dots.

a +.1 damage boost benefits fast magics more than slow magics and weapons themselves literally benefit off of speed more than anything, all the large aoe moves on weapons have insane endlag tied to them usually leaving you negative when using them, especially on slow magics. Then projectiles become so slow you can walk away especially on magma. Other magics like sand and explosion get no major downsides for insane upsides and it’s ridiculous.

It’s almost like slow magics are supposed to be slow

Weapon dmg shouldn’t have been 1.0 :man_shrugging:

Speed is completely different than range, why are all my attacks completely reduced to self explosion range while some people light those light conjurers can literally shoot a primal swipe across the world

speed = m/s

If the speed is slower, the distance traveled is lower and therefore less range

""Anti-Run: Exhaustion

  • Only trigger in-combat between two players (bounty hunter & target)
    • This is to allow running from groups
  • Both hunter & target can be subject to the effect
    When each player is 50m¹ away from each other, dashing away from² the other player will increase their cooldown/stamina +25%. The player will be notified via pop-up message: “You have become exhausted from running away.” Further distance will increase the penalties.
    š 50m is close to the full length of the arena
    ² “Away from” would mean any dash that brings you further from the opponent""

I can already see how u can abuse this with groups, and make it main advantage of ganking someone
apart from that shouldn’t updates come as solution to problems or things that strave towards a goal?

Name me 1 thing Anti-Run: Exhaustion - will solve or or get the game closer to a goal

if people keep throwing random things as updates the game will be just that, a game with bunch of random things, make changes that make people play the game not leave it

now i will give you that, the range of that should be fixed. Certain weapon attacks shouldn’t be affected by speed like that. but the damage does not need to be changed (more). The aoe does not need to be changed. the speed does not need to be changed. But range definitely does

All attacks should have the same range, the speed at which it takes to get there should just change, slow conjurers are forced to play close but then they also have insane endlag so they’re easy to punish, there’s no upsides besides a miniscule amount of aoe increase.

If I’m a slow magic I’d expect high risk high reward with high damage moves with high endlag so i can be punished, right now you do average/low damage with high endlag usually ending up in taking 400+ damage just to barely deal 200

I’ve been saying that for a while now.

Some classes are especially bad like glass conjurer. I don’t know if there is any other as bad as glass, but is a perfect example of this . Glass conjurers get pretty much JUST a damage nerf due to it’s low/average raw stats (other than the 1.1x size).

The damage is being fixed. We’ve said that. Multiple times. Learn to read. You underestimate how the multiplier works. Besides, you wanna be fast? Get some attack speed stat, it’ll be fixed this next update.

Why use a slow magic conjurer when you can be warrior and have the same dmg, gouged, and higher speed and slightly less aoe

Weapon shouldn’t have beeen set at 1.0

I’ve tested on 45 and 90 speed and my endlags literally do not change at all, just my projectile speeds which literally means nothing and i’m better off going full size to abuse devastate because that move makes you immune to literally like 90% of attacks in game besides blasts and explosions

I don’t know if warlock Imbuement works in the same way but if it does, it would explain why there is a power gap between hybrid and normal builds.

Weapon speed is bugged rn

Does nothing